I'M JUST TOO OLD TO (fill in the blank)
Unfortunately, I had to spend some time with a few who think they are too old to do just about anything 'fun' or 'dangerous' or 'risky'.
They probably have about 20 to 30 years left in their 'life cycle' due to modern medicine...so I gave them my $ .02.
You can sleep when you're dead! Sadly, I don't think they 'got it'. Seems to me that is a lot of use on the 'remote' remaining in their lifetimes, but hey...not mine, and that's a fact. I'd rather "Burn out than Rust Out"...so there ya go.
So my Advice is..."Go for something!" (and I don't mean to the fridge during a commercial break!)
looks good, hope to see more updates soon. Lots of Love!
not keeping it up too good, I see!
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