It's a 'tough job', but somebody's gotta do it. I don't think 'lawn mowing' will ever be the same for Tom and Jordan.
Sort of like those automatic 'vacuums' that go around a room by themselves, these two goats doing all the work left plenty of 'leisure time' for my grandkids, Tom and Jordan.
"Chopper" Tom knows how to handle a 'stick shift' so well, he now has his own Oregon "Chopper" says Papa. Tom asked if he could ride the mini Chopper and Papa said, "Why not? It's yours?"...so he rode it around the upper shop area at the Skyline House. I think it is being moved tomorrow to the new 'ranch' (provided they can get Papa's big white fully loaded trailer off it's SIDE...since it suffered an oopsie today)...
...and I would expect that Tom might want to give 'his chopper' a few more 'spins' before he heads back to school, working at McDonald's, and mowing the lawn at home the "old fashioned way"...hey! wait a minute...I think that the goats are probably the "old fashioned way" right?
...so it goes to show that sometimes 'progress' is not always the 'softer, easier way' way is it?
Not by looking at the hard work going on in this photo, huh? Life in Good!
..and even better, I'll bet Tom's Dad, Jim, will be smiling even more proudly knowing Tom is now an official 'biker' (since Jim rides his Harley proudly)...and that Tom has experienced some "grab assing" with a cute blonde at 16 since the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and all....and as for ingenuity...ya can't beat the new 'lawnmowing' business Tom is exploring as well, can ya?
He's a natural born 'entreprenuer' I believe. Yeah, stick out that chest proud Papa Jim..ya done real good on this young man.
By the way...we're putting Tom on an Airplane on Sunday at about 8:00 pm to 'fly home'..since he checked with Amtrack and found out they are only 'delayed' 6 hours coming from Seattle, WA to Albany, OR...can't imagine how that 'delay' would grow by the time the Train pulls into Sacramento for a change of Trains to the Central Valley.
Oh YEAH...I* can guess it might be...hmmm, TEN TO TWENTY HOURS LATE by then, and probably missing it's connection to boot.
No wonder Amtrack needs Federal Money in the millions to 'stay alive'...it is run by people who can't tell time...and even better than that...they don't care! I cannot describe how happy Tom was when I made that final 'click' on the 'purchase button' for that Air Plane Ticket...but I think you can imagine the relief and gratitude he expressed quite fully.
Well, the Rudy's had to cancel the trip to the Sand Dunes tomorrow to ride ATV's...as Wendy remembered that she was going to be away at training workshops all next week...so couldn't afford to miss Friday at work...so that was a bummer for the grandkids...
...but come 'high noon', Jordan will be off work and old Grammie will put up the "planning and figuring" for the new home...paying the bills and takin care of bidness....and we'll play hooky and go have some fun doing 'something' together....as I promised tonight!
After all, you can see how hard Jordan and Tom have worked today... and don't they deserve a special treat from Grammie for their valient efforts?
Yeah Baby....they do.
Just because I love em....and even better...their 'entertainment value'...
Is Priceless!
This Is really Tom
Well Grandma If you talking about Rebecca she has brown hair HAHAHA
When was the last time Tom did some lawnmowing? I don't even remember.
You are a hard woman Lindsay!
Maybe the reason he hasn't mowed the lawn in Visalia is because you didn't get him the 'right equipment'...lol
Tom - Oops! She looked like a blonde in the pictures on your blog...but brown hair is just as 'grabbable' too. HA!
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