Close by, and under a bridge crossing the Columbia River, the Saturday Market will be going on with artists and musicians and open air food selections...should be another 'blast' of a time for everyone! Parting with the kids was easier as we now have another event to look forward the NOT TOO DISTANT future.

Downtown is full of strange things, and as we took a stroll around after dinner at a five star restaurant (yes, with the little ones too)...I saw the potential for a NEW CAREER for me. I showed off my wares, but for some reason...they wern't interested in my exotic dancing techniques...although the grandkids seemed to enjoy it.

Of course, NONE OF MY CHILDREN would be willing to make a fool of themselves to get some laughs or have some fun...especially not my son in law Will, or grand-daughter they end their race in a dead heat.

Here were are at the five star...between salads and entrees...teaching the little ones to behave in public, which they did quite well I might add.

BENJAMIN is perfectly content if he is able to do artwork why not at a five star restaurant...and no, we didn't do this on a linen table cloth...but on great butcher paper...perfect past time since you always have to wait for the food when it is soooooo special ya know.

None of the cars would hold the whole crew for the Visit to Portland Will and Lindsay (Wendy stayed home with the ancient one...and I went to fetch Mother Dearest at the airport) cold or rain, they rented a Van to take the entourage to visit the live animals before they disappear from our earth.

Jordan seems to want to reach something inside that tank...and Ean is looking at her...probably trying to figure out how he can get all the way in it himself.

Now you might think that Jon is gaga over this exhibit because his step-Mom, Wendy is now a OSU "Beaver"...but since he is such a GUY...I think he is associating the name with something 'else', don't you?

Here's the Portland Zoo crew...EAN, LINDSAY,BEN (in the stroller) JON (between the bears), Emily and Will. The camera gal is Jordan...a brave and cold day for this crew.

Once back in Newport, we had to take Mother 'shopping' as she feared we were so out in the boon-docks there was not a morsel to buy anywhere. So, down at the Bay Front we all went to lunch at the Port Dock as you can look out the windows and see the Great (overfed) Sea Lions jockey for best position on the floating docks they loaf on half the day...the kids loved it, but when Mother took a fall...everyone rushed to help...but she brushed herself off. She attributes her good posture and strong bones to Cod Liver Oil and Calcium...and at 85 and still dancing four times a week at the Center...ya gotta take that information now I am taking it too.
"Do you like Grandmother?"
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