Here is the newest addition to the family, my grandson Benjamin Jordan Moore! He was born on September 25th and weighed in at 7 lbs. 2 oz. and 21 inches long.
I drove down to Visalia to help my daughter and son-in-law wherever they needed it, but for most of the last week I have been pretty worthless.
Both calves on my legs spasmed and I have barely been able to walk for several days. It may have been caused by being in the same position for hours and hours, or it could be something else...anyway, I was forced to go to the doctor on this one, but it seems to have 'calmed down' now, so was able to go to sit an Open House and design an ad so far...and of course, play with Ben's big brother "Ean", visit my grand-daughter 'Sierra' and son David, and hold the wee one as long as he's 'game'.
The weather here has been 'hot' and it has worn me out as well...since I am well acclimated to our Oregon 'green' weather now which has been lingering between 65 and 75 degrees for coming into this blazing inferno takes a toll, believe me.
Most important is that Mama Lindsay and Baby Ben are both doing fine, and this is a picture of Lindsay coming to the office when Ben was ONE DAY OLD so her bouceback is just incredible. She and Jim are still unpacking and organizing their big beautiful new home, and I have landed there for the most part.
Well, not a lot to talk about right now, but it has been awhile since I've added to my blog so yes, I am still alive and kicking, away from the ranch...missing home, but still enjoying the time I have left to spend with my kids and grandkids here in the Central California Valley.
...and having the chance to say "Welcome Aboard" to little Benjamin as well. I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be a very busy will check in later...and let ya know the scoop.
Hugs to all...

what a cutie! (from Ben's cousin in Ga)
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