Everyone has been working all week to get ready for the season's kick off which we decided would be a 'Biker Swap Meet'...and big Blow Out Sale.
We're reducing old inventory and moving it out so we can make room for the new Motorcycles, ATV's, Scooters and Dirt Bikes we want to bring in.
We had most of the swap meet items in the Bays next to the shop that we've been renting for the past several months...so when we were done we just had to close the door.
Wendy and Will came down to help out with Frito Boats and Sodas...and it ended out being a lot of fun seeing all the 'regulars' and they were sure happy to see Allen and Pat together again. I did the books on Hogfather's for last year finally and was surprised at the amount of money that came in because it has never been run like a business.
Allen and Pat have barely made anything for themselves so both of them were pretty discouraged, but I wouldn't let them quit because as their 'major investor', I reminded them that they 'had a dream' and didn't do too bad in spite of 'running it their way', but Hogfather's deserved a chance to be successful by running it like a business instead of a 'clubhouse'.
So, for the next six months I am the boss...so I have to go down there almost every day for awhile to make the changes that will make them successful. Of course, they have to argue about every single little thing...until I remind them that they both agreed to do things 'my way' for six months...so suck it up and just try to cooperate.
For one thing, we are going to have an event every month, stop taking in 1978 Motorcycles then try to get parts...which is impossible...and reduce the price on EVERYTHING (except custom chrome because of our contract with them) and MOVE IT OUT. We're getting the work order forms done correctly, and I check them every few days to see the progress on them...so we aren't sitting around for a week before ordering parts.
Also doing a big discount on the Annual 'Bike Service' for those who schedule their appointments this month. I also put an ad in the Newspaper...which brought in some folks from Lincoln City...(something they would never do) and I think it will work out better. Not to mention actually 'keeping the books', 'inventory' and other such dastardly duties...
They are going to participate in the upcoming runs too...but have to get more friendly and assertive in walking up to people and saying hello...passing out their cards, etc. I produced a lot of photos of the VENTO product line and took them to the shop to show them to people and evaulate their reactions...(I still have a BIG PROBLEM with lack of initiative by the grown old boys....) asking them to start letting people know about COMING SOON - VENTO!
There is a lot of interest in the bikes already...and it looks like we will open the Dealership part in the same building with 'Smokin Pig' without having to buy the damned commercial building.
Some Merced people came up and bought the building and I invited the "soon to be new owner" over to the Swap Meet today and he came by and seems to really want us to move to his building.
The deal is that I will do all I can to turn the business around to be successful (by treating it like a business instead of a hobby...) and in six months we can all decide if we want to keep it or sell it. At least I'd like to get back some of the money I invested in 'THEIR DREAM'...ha ha. It could be a rocking business for someone with ambition, vision, and a willingness to work...but the old dogs running it both want to be "Public Relations" people but not with the 'public'...they only want to do 'public relations' with their friends...other than that...the work part is pretty low on their list of necessary...and that doesn't quite 'float my boat', but with the right partner...it could become a little goldmine.
What is that saying about 'teaching old dogs...new tricks'? Hopefully they can learn to 'roll over' better and to stop barking at each other hoping the other guy will 'make it happen so they don't have to'...as I sure won't enjoy having to bite them everyday. Like every other 'living' in life, there is the fun part and the part that is boring or tedious or flat out repulsive...but in business, you have to do what works and not what you want all the time.
It should be an interesting journey, and wish Allen and Pat luck cause they are going to need a lot of it to come out of this 'alive'.
Special Thanks to Wendy and Will...and super thanks to JORDAN who helped everyday after school and was the best worker I had...no arguments or better ideas or protests...she just listened to what I asked her to do...and like a miracle...DID IT!) WHOO HOO!
Jordan is awesome, because she is "MY" daughter! Plus she is not retarded like most of the boys! She is also beautiful, witty, hard working, sweet, loving and a little tird only once in a blue moon! Yes, she is the bomb! You are so lucky to have such an awesome grandaughter! To bad that I get her to myself more than anyone else.....
The SWAP meet was cool, look forward to another one and the cool ride in July!
Love you,
ps soon you will have to address Jordan as Ms. Cheerleader!
You are a little 'turd' only once in awhile too, Wendy...lol
I always liked that old License plate of Jims...if you want to act like a 'turd', go lay in the yard.
Yep...I'm pretty lucky all right!
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