Of course I am always 'clucking' when one of my 'chicks' accomplishes good things (and it seems like one or another of them is always doing something like that)...but I am so extra proud that David was among the 28 (of the 60 that started with him) that graduated from the College of Sequoias Police Academy the 26th of January.
The recognized Top Police Academy in the State of California. So designated because it is 'tough' and that is why so many who sign up, pay their tuition, buy their uniforms, and show up...never make it.
I am extra proud....
Not because the schedule was grueling (30 College Criminal Justice Units in 6 months...Joey will know how hard that is)...
and ...not because he was competing with 20 somethings in physical and mental agility...and he turned "40" in August, which as those who are 'aging' know... is hard to do (and for most of us, impossible).
...and not because he was the top of his class in two very difficult protocols,
He received the Top Award (and an Academy Record) for "Shooting Accuracy at a staggering 99.70% accuracy, of course, I don't know if I could hit the broad side of a barn since I haven't shot a gun in 40 it is even more impressive to someone like me.
He also tied with another Cadet (a woman) for the Top Award for "Practicals" which is Hand to Hand Combat, Driving Skills, academics and Scenarios (which means taking the appropriate action in many different law enforcement situations they are likely to encounter 'on a street beat') to name most of what is included in the 'practicals' category. He was pretty confident he would receive the shooting Award, but was surprised at the second one. They got a limited edition 'police officer' figurine, and a $100. Gift Certificate to the Uniform Shop, and of course the Certificate of Award themselves for any 'I love me' wall they may create later.
I am most proud because I know what it took for David not to throw up his hands and walk away from the Academy many times, AND for his reason to put himself through it. David already completed the Military Training for the Navy, and the State of California Peace Officers Academy when he was just a pup.
He also completed the Federal Air Marshals Intensive Training Camp before he served as a Federal Law Enforcement Agent...mostly with the cream of the crop in prior Law Enforcement Experience Nationwide. Former CIA, Secret Service, ATF, Navy Seals, Green Berets, etc. SWAT Team, Military Intelligence...attended the Federal Law Enforcement Training Academy with David.
So when he found himself surrounded by twenty year olds who barely graduated from High School, with little or no training or experience going for them except for "a few" ex Military Cadets, and former probation was humbling to be "just another cadet". When the kids 'beat' David at something, they would tease him "That Federal stuff isn't doing you much good on this one", or "What did you get on this...ha ha I beat you."
He also didn't much like the new "Hey Homey..." boys who were in his class not speaking english, but 'street' language. He saw too many of those hand signaling, body swaying types while he babysat at Corcoran Prison for seven years, way back when. In fact, he was 'taken back' that these were going to be future police officers at all.
Sometimes he would roll his eyes at their comments, sometimes he would bark a little at them, and once in awhile, he would 'bite' some of these smart aleck pups if they got too disrespectful and brought their egos down a notch. He served a long time as Class Leader, and got in trouble once for saying the F word when he fell on a wet pavement, landing on his knees, after jumping an 8 foot wall too fast and landing too hard during one of the Final Exam protocols for Physical Agility.
When he went to his knees, he thought he might have seriously injured himself as the pain shot to his groin, so the F word just jumped out there and hung in the air...until an instructor grabbed it and made it an issue. Other cadets remarked about how lucky they were their own expletives like M F'er, etc. wern't heard when they slipped, and worse. That was small consolation to David since it was the last week of school and he had never had any mark against him. Still, he sucked it up and moved on.
He had to suit up and show up by 7 am each morning, and everyday there were 'Uniform Inspections' (including the polilched boot camp) 'Recitations' which means each Cadet was called forward to Cite a Code Section of Law "word for word" of course, the night before...everyone was supposed to memorize the whole thing just in case that Section was the one they had to Recite.
David helped a lot of the guys do better too, with shooting skills and hand to hand combat skills and other areas he is more qualified to 'teach' .... than be a trained as a 'cadet' in ...and his class evaluations by others indicated that one of David's strongest assets as a classmate was his leadership and willingness to help others better their skills and scores. It may not seem like that is very important, but from day one, a culture of extreme 'competition' is instilled into the cadets...sort of an 'every man for himself' philosophy (which I don't agree with by the way) 'helping others do better' is helping others 'compete' and maybe 'beat' you. I thought it was cool that he would look beyond the 'competition' to help build better police officers in the field.
All of the above is worthy of 'kudos' certainly, but I am MOST PROUD about why he chose to attend the Academy in the first place. A Municipal Police Officer only earns a 'fraction' of what David was paid as an Air Marshal, and the benefits aren't worthy to mention in comparison. David had the respect and glory that goes along with being a Federal Law Enforcement Agent, and the Federal Badge and Gun that goes with it. He was pretty much unsupervised as his team met at LAX and did their jobs all over the USA and all over the world once in awhile.
Why would someone with all that prestige, and triple digit income choose to go back to square one to become a beat cop...or some other low paying, unappreciated, local public servant? Well, I'll tell you why....
Her name is 'Sierra McKenzie', his daughter and only child. That's the only reason for the sacrifice.
As a Federal Agent he was away from home most of the time, never knew "if, or and when" he would be home...and found himself taking a good long look into the future to realize that an 'absentee Dad' was not what he wanted for his daughter.
He's always been a great 'partner' with Genice (Sierra's Mom) in hands on caring for Sierra...fussing over her, being devoted to her...since birth. In fact, I think he is more 'fussy' about Sierra than Genice ever dreamed of being (and it drove all of us crazy at one time because he was constantly hovering over her...concerned about something).
He signed up for the Federal Air Marshals right after 9/11 promising that the 'terrorist bastards' were never going to get away with killing innocent Americans again. He was one of the first selected to serve due to his prior Law Enforcement and Military experience, and he served almost three years...knowing every day that he was missing important years of Sierra's life.
So, he chose to start at the beginning...from the order to come home every night and share completely in the life and times of his daughter. He and Genice share equal custody of Sierra so she is at David's home for a week and then at Genice's...both David and Genice are awesome parents, and Sierra's best interests are always at the top of their hit parade charts.
So, I am most proud that he chose his relationship with his daughter over the money, property and prestige his former job offered him. Problem is, like all of the rest of us...David doesn't yet realize that at 40...for some reason...the job offers get thinner in Law Enforcement or anywhere else. He also has a sister that was a City Councilwoman in his home region, and because she was an avid supporter of the 'beat cops', she did not attain the admiration of Administration.
A 20 year old will take orders without question...a former Federal Agent, might not.
Of course, Wendy found David several Law Enforcement positions here in Oregon, and a job promise right here in Toledo for David if he could relocate...but he can't. Genice has an insurance business in Visalia, and it would take a lot of money for her to pick up and move...and she would lose most of what she has built over the past several years in clients. So, he is stuck in the Central Valley...which he hates....for Sierra...and for now.
In California, there is not a lot of 'brotherhood' between different Law Enforcement AGencies, in fact, (a culture that is also in the Academy) there is a lot of animosity between Sheriff's Department Deputys, and City Police Officers, and the FBI and other Agencies. They don't cooperate with each other very well, and show a lot of 'distain' and 'disrespect' for each other, but maybe that is what happens when you have 33 million people, and still can't pay police Officers decent wages for what they do....and risk.
Oregon has 3 million people and the State Police, and Local Police work together. If an incident occurs that needs police officer or away, all Community Police available are on the scene as quickly as possible to 'help out'. It is not uncommon to see Newport Police, Toledo Police and State Police cars on scene...helping each other. I think because Oregon has never been a 'rich state' and has pretty much remained so, so the culture of law enforcement working together cooperatively was born of necessity and 40 years old means nothing to them. In fact, they would love to learn all that the Feds taught David in the past, rather than be jealous and/or demeaning of that prior experience and service.
Behind every good man is a good woman (the saying goes) and David has had some 'good women' in his corner helping him achieve his "back to the future' goal. Genice, his ex wife took on more 'load' with Sierra in lots of ways to see him through (and she attended his graduation with Sierra as well), and did a lot more 'pick up and delivery' than she would have had to...
...and Leslie, his Girlfriend was a great supporter, cheerleader, and his house, looking out for Sierra, walking the dog, rubbing his shoulders, shopping for groceries...and plenty more. She encouraged him and listened to the day to day 'blows' David suffered to his ego as well. No small feat for anyone.
His sister Lindsay and brother-in-law Jim live near David so are in easy reach to help when David needed them, although he was so busy he didn't ask much...he knew they were there for him.
...and finally, Sierra. She had to entertain herself many nights while Dad meticulously hand wrote in block letters page after page of memos and assignments, he had a lot more 'homework' than she did, and six months of intensity of purpose is a lot different than having Dad every night, as she got used to the year before as he wrote his 'book' and did what he pleased for the most part.
She was a real Trooper, and for eight years old....outstanding. She just got chosen to get into the Gifted kids program at school, so maybe all that study impressed her more...but it could be that Sierra is actually 'competing' with Dad... as she is the most 'competitive' little kid I have ever seen. Of course, the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree, so with Genice AND David both as 'competitive' as hell in anything they get into, she probably didn't stand a chance of not being a 'competitor' from the very beginning.
In fact, she gets an 'ice cream' certificate from school every time she 'reads a book' and is reading so much she is way ahead of all the other kids, and David feels like everytime they turn around they are at the ice cream store with another 'certificate' for a free ice cream.
I'm sending a free 'ice cream' certificate to David too...for his 'graduation' present..
...a two scooper at least!
DAVID = For the civilians, what time is 0530? 5:30 am...THAT is just unGodly worse than I thought!
...and TEN BOOKS...Holy Cow! By next year she'll be up to "WAR AND PEACE'...Sheesh!
...I am happy you liked what I wrote, but it is TRUE, and how I're the best!
oh war and peace its so boring my english teacher who has three masters degrees says it so boring
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