We all know that whenever 'the Joe' is around there are going to be laughs and cutting up right along with it. Joe came in on the 23rd...and typical Joe...to get the cheapest plane tickets...he had to arrive at 7:45 a.m. in Portland which meant that to meet his arrival, one has to leave here by 4:45 am and no one was too keen on signing up for that one.
While Joe was arriving from LA, Gramma Roach was arriving from San Jose about 11:30 am...so we told Joe to read a good book and we would be there to pick them both up on her arrival. It worked out great for Allen and Will...who ended up making the Journey to the Airport.
Joe must have felt 'showered' with presents this year for Christmas as we combined his Graduation, Wedding and Christmas into one big series of cool things...that he had to open while here so we could get the joy of seeing how much he liked the things we spent so much time pondering and picking over a long period of time. He is always so appreciative of even the smallest thing, it was a thrill to lavish him this time. He's shown here being a real 'he man' after opening his 5 or 6 piece power tool set, and we think he'll get use of it soon since he wants to build his own 'poker playing' table.
It can't be a family 'get together' any more without the new traditional 'poker game' and as you can see by the photo...I already went bankrupt, and Jim is about to head my way...and Joey is sort of scratching his head as William and Lindsay kept loading up all the chips in their own direction...but what a kick to tease and kid with each other...even for the very short time I lasted before the two 'bluffers' bluffed me right into the poor house! Even Joe, who's plays at least one or twice a week with his pals while going to college was wiped out by these two sharks.
Then of course, we had to get some guitar picking in there as well, and Joe did some Johnny Cash for us before going on to ride the Quads or play Pool or otherwise partake in the various venues that were happening all over at the same time. Music has been a big part of Joe's life and I remember us buying his first guitar...a cheap one...and him initially complaining how his guitar teacher wasn't teaching him any songs...just boring scales...and he wasn't feeling much like doing them. I promised Joey that if he would practice those scales every single day for at least one hour a day, then in 30 to 60 days he could play almost any song he wanted...and thankfully, he believed me.
Many guitars and amps later, and many songs written and CD's sponsored, and drum sets bought...Joe ended out the most musically accomplished of everyone else in our family combined. Simply because he 'stuck' to it, as he did college and as I believe he will his marriage.
He shot a gun for the first time in his life, and had the bruise from the kick to prove it...but like everyone else, he didn't enter the 'frog eating' contest.
Joe is kind of a 'floater' t family gatherings and sort of makes it a point to get with every single family member a little during these times, from the old ones to the youngest...each gets a little attention from 'the Joe' and everyone enjoys it. Unfortunately, on the big day where everyone was together which was the 26th...Joe was holed up in my bed 'sick' and unable to wield the family video camera to forever immortalize the events of the day and the back happenings we might have all missed....which was no small disappointment for certain, and By the time he felt better, it was about time for packing for the early flight on the 27th to go to Boise and prepare for his wedding slated for the 30th.
At this point, I have no clue when all four of our kids will be able to share a Holiday event with us again together...but for me, it was the best Christmas of my Life...even with all the work and little hitches that came with it...I wouldn't trade any6 of it for anything in the world.
...but more on my thoughts later...this is Joe's section...and now he is married so things will never be quite the same again. There is an old saying:
"Your son is your son until he takes a wife, but your daughter is your daughter...for the rest of her life." I'm thankful we had this one last happening with Joe after college and before marriage....it may be a long stretch until the next 'everyone together' for anything, I fear.
Oh I've been waiting for wedding pictures. Thanks for posting.
Thanks mom (blushing)
Things are so cool and fun when you are around! I wish you wouldn't have gotten sick! I was so looking forward to another one of your videos! The "EMY BOO" one is absolutely priceless!
Miss ya already!
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