Allen flew to John Wayne Airport to get Joey who graduated from College yesterday and ride with him to get his 'stuff' from LA, Visalia and Hanford. William drove from Santa Rosa to meet them in Visalia.
In a brief conversation with Joe while they were leaving Visalia, Joe said he was very 'thankful' that Will was there to help them. Will had about 6 hours of sleep in the last 66 hours, but both he and Allen left Joey at his new home in Caldwell, Idaho and headed home shortly after arriving there today.
They drove through snow and desolation and through the Dalles and the Gorge and were within a mile of home (on Christiansen Road) at about 10 pm, when they were faced with three cars headed their way on a very narrow section of our gravel road.
The temperature had dipped to 27 degrees tonight so it was colder than a well diggers ass compared to what we're used to, so ice was formed on parts of the road already by the time they drove in.
As Will navigated the rig to as far to the right as he could to let the three cars pass (later we found that they were guests at our neighbors party), the tires on the 34 foot trailer hit ice and the rig slid over the side of the road and ended up teetering on about a 20-30 foot cliff.
The 'party goers' had a turn out about 30 feet before they met Will on the road, but they didn't think of stopping there to let Will go by.
The Trailer was going to need a Tow Driver that could operate a 'wench' but the only 'local' with a 24 hour service had been to a party himself, so was in no condition to work Chief Denison came out after Wendy called him personally with a SOS and he assessed the situation and got in contact with another Tow Driver with a Wench in Waldport.
Both Allen and Will were dead tired, especially William who had so little sleep...and Allen who slept sitting up in cat naps during the grueling trip to help the 'youngest' get settled into his new digs and life in Idaho.
They were so close to a warm fire and comfortable bed, but instead of rolling in about ten...there would be a few more hours spent in the freezing weather waiting for the Tow and then, observing the process of getting the rig upright... and then not even knowing if it was going to be able to travel an inch or a mile further...once it did get lifted out of the side of that mountain.
I was there with the Hummer almost out of gas as I let it run for an hour or two (and it was very low on gas anyway following my 'adventure with Faye' the other day...and I haven't been to town to fill it up yet).
I kept the Hummer warm so me and the guys could get in it once in awhile to warm up and to help keep us all from freezing. Neither of them were dressed for the freezing weather and I think Wills feet were almost frozen since he was just wearing his combat boots, by the time he got to go home with Wendy... and hopefully, to get a well deserved good night's sleep!
There's no street lights on our private road out here in the wilderness, so it was also very dark except there was a full moon, and the blinking lights on our vehicles.
A strange incident indeed. It took TWO TOW TRUCKS to get the trailer back on the road, and by the Grace of seemed to be 'true' enough to drive on to the ranch where Will left it and the truck up by the gray barn. We'll assess the structural and cosmetic damage tomorrow as we noted quite a bit of that on the site, so it is going to cost a bit to fix it.
Wendy chalked it up to 'Rudy Luck' Allen assured her that Will did nothing wrong. She has a party tomorrow afternoon and many people coming for Mary Kay, Jewelry and Candle items before Christmas...and then tomorrow night we are all going to Mary and Walt's Annual Big Christmas Bash...and Walt's 50th Birthday Party ('s a surprise).
Anyway, everyone, (with the exception of me writing this entry) is finally completely "tuckered out" from this latest adventure, and all are "tucked into" their warm beds now, but thought I would share the hair raising experience the LAST MILE of a VERY LONG JOURNEY brought us all here in Oregon.
It is always GOOD NEWS when everyone comes out of an accident like this without serious injury.
It could have turned out quite differently if the 'ball' on the hitch didn't hold, or if more ice had built up on the side of the cliff which was at about a 70 degree angle.
Had the Trailer gone down, it could have pulled the Truck with it, and it would have landed upside down in a gooey marsh. Wills quick thinking by keeping the truck moving forward so the two wheels off the side could dig into the cligg some, surely saved both Allen and Will from tragedy.
I am happy to have our men home, and especially with both of them shaken up some, but still in one piece. The 'yellow light' came on in the Hummer as I drove slowly back to the ranch, so I'm sort of happy that Allen keeps a 5 gallon gas can full of gas around all the time. I wouldn't want to chance running out of gas tomorrow taking it to the station.
I just want to Thank the Good Lord for looking out for them, and I am glad 'their number isn't up' yet.
Sort of makes me think of how important they both are to me and the family...and how grateful I am to have them around.
They say that most accidents happen within 2 miles of home, I guess that is true.
I am glad they are ok and made it home, FINALLY. I sure wish they could have rested up here but understand that they wanted to get there and get home ASAP!
I guess you need to add a couple of signs to your road, "USE PULLOUTS", and "ICY WENT WET"
Give them both hugs for us, and we will see you in less than a week (wow that sounds fast, I had better get to work)
Holy flip'n holas, nothing like a true Palmer adventure.I am relieved to know both Allen & Will are ok.Hope to see you guys tonight at the xmas party.Steve will not be with me, he has a gig in Yachats and gets to play Santa tomorrow. Take care.
See ya at the party tonight Genn...and I am busier than a one armed paper hanger getting ready for everyone to come! I can't wait!
LINZ - We'll be ready for SOME FUN the minute you get here...ok, maybe FIVE MINUTES after you get here. Tomorrow we get the new pups!
That should be a new adventure in itself as they look SO SMALL compared to our LUGS now. BTW, the dogs were sure glad to see their Papa today.
Allen slept in late today but is out with Will now 'doing stuff'...but Will was up bright and early helping Wendy Cook for her Party this afternoon.
first of all i cant wait to be there. Second of all that would be my luck and i would drop the trailer like that. I cant wait to get there to me in some of these adventures
Well Linda & Allen there's been a change in plans and I will not be attending Walt & Mary's party. I am going to join Steve in Yachats. Tomorrow Steve & PAt will be helping Santa deliver toys to the kids of Lincoln County. I cannot wait to see the smiles and the joy. We already got & gave Pat & Michele their Christmas gift. We, with the help of a few other folks got them a nice Whirlpool refrigerator.
Sorry I will miss you two at the party. Maybe between now and I my actual b-day ( next Saturday) we can find a few minutes to catch up in person.Take care and be safe on the roads tonight.
Wow thanks for sharing that amazing rescue story. I'm so thankful no one was hurt. You are a great story teller. I'm sure this is one story you'll be repeating for a long time.
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