(Navajo for 'Little One")
Come Home Today!
William and Allen looked more like 'Proud Papa's' than "Two Wild and Crazy Guys..." as they introduced the 'Girls' to the existing pack of Joey and Lucky!
The Girls seemed so dainty and small, but soon showed their mettle as they climbed into the Dog Food Bowl in order to 'but' the Boys out...and went into the Small Dog House and decided they were staying awhile.
Joey seemed to sense that the 'Girls' were 'different' than him and Lucky, and behaved accordingly...but Lucky (who is used to going nose to nose with Joey still vying for the Alpha position...) wanted to exert his 'authority' some.
William and Wendy are making a little home in the laundry room for their pup at their home, while Nicky is going to have to fend for herself among the boys...but not tonight.
All of us were inside for the night when Allen heard a 'yelp' coming from the back porch, and found Lucky being too rough with Nicky...while Joey laid in the Doghouse with his nose sticking out observing the melee.
Allen scolded Lucky seriously, so Lucky went into the Dog house while Allen petted and comforted Nicky...much like Ean going to time out at Jim and Lindsays home. Allen put Nicky down on the porch and she strutted down to the end of the porch while Lucky observed her, but stayed in the dog house.
Allen backed up to an area where Lucky couldn't 'see him' just to see what Lucky would do.....sure enough, Lucky believed Allen wasn't there anymore and was out of the Doghouse and going for a pounce on Nicky...when she ran and stood by Allens legs for protection.
Lucky was almost mid-air in his pounce before he looked up at Allen and then, with that shocked and "Oh Shit I'm in Trouble"... look on his face, he landed away from her and quickly returned to his Dog House knowing.... he had been 'had' and now he was 'in trouble'...big time.
...Just like Ean does by going to sit on the bottom stair at Jim and Lindsay's home as soon as he gets a frown from them now. We'll call it 'automatic time out'
I don't know what Lucky is thinking right now as He and Joey are in their bed in the Dog House, but Nicky is probably feeling pretty damned good.
She is all warm and cozy in Allens bedroom...and I expect that for the next few nights she will be inside while the Boys are outside for the night. If she plays her cards right, she might be 'in' and them 'out' a little longer than that...ha ha.
That is, at least until Lucky learns to behave like a Gentleman!
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