Grandchildren are the Most Perfect People in the World!


No matter what they do...Grandparents find more 'amusement' in their 'angelic' Grandchildren's antics than anyone else in the world.
My daughter Lindsay posted photos of her son Ean today showing him looking like a little Angel...all spit polished and squeaky clean as shown above....but in her next photo, Ean had covered himself in what appears to be the leftover sauce from Spagetti ! (I couldn't get the Spagetti picture to post after three tries...but you have the idea!).
My daughter Lindsay posted photos of her son Ean today showing him looking like a little Angel...all spit polished and squeaky clean as shown above....but in her next photo, Ean had covered himself in what appears to be the leftover sauce from Spagetti ! (I couldn't get the Spagetti picture to post after three tries...but you have the idea!).
Lindsay also goes on to note that Grandparents see their grandkids as 'Angels' no matter what they do. She also speculated that EAN did this to himself when he was finished eating and perhaps became 'bored'.
The funny thing about my daughter's post, not to mention seeing Ean (which I stole from her Blog and pasted on mine...until she teaches me how to link like she does...) is that my Oldest Grand Daughter, Jordan Nicole... had an EAN EXPERIENCE HERSELF TODAY....which I thought was sooooo 'cute' that I had to take a picture of her (and her Pal Jaime).
The funny thing about my daughter's post, not to mention seeing Ean (which I stole from her Blog and pasted on mine...until she teaches me how to link like she does...) is that my Oldest Grand Daughter, Jordan Nicole... had an EAN EXPERIENCE HERSELF TODAY....which I thought was sooooo 'cute' that I had to take a picture of her (and her Pal Jaime).
This was Jordan after riding the BMX Bicycles today...she must have gotten 'bored' with just why not just find the biggest mud puddles you can find and slosh on in at full speed! Now aren't these pictures about the cutest subjects you've ever seen?
Now, is this just PRECIOUS OR WHAT?
And even 'cuter' was when the Girls had to shed their muddy shoes outside, then strip off their muddy clothes in the 'mud room' entry of our home and head for the shower...and Will's 'visiting pup 'Yawzie' was getting a little 'bored'... she started biting and shaking the girls 'high dollar' shoes as hard as her little body would let her! WE also laughed in amusement at that as well, because everyone knows that Grandparents get a little 'twisted' about their damned animals too. Coo Coo ca choo!

that has got to be one of the best looking boys i know
I feel honored that you commented...however, you may be a tad prejudiced....yet, I can't help myself from totally 'agreeing' with you for some reason!
Mom I got Ean rain boots so don't worry about that. Thanks though!
i bout plumin killid that dog
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