The "model" near one of our meals is none other than my mother, "Gloria".
I think this is the first Christmas in my life that she has been with us...maybe one other when David was a baby. She finally made it on the 17th of December when she flew into Portland...after a 3 hour trip to the airport to get her was wasted on the 15th when her original flight was cancelled.
It's inconvenient to try to get a flight around Christmas, but where there is a will, there is a way and at 85 years old, she is still the "glamour queen" and "belle of the ball" at Senior Citizens and she is pretty independent all around...but worries and fusses way too much. She reminds me an Papa of "Rainman"...she gets on something and just doesn't quit..."Judge Wapner is coming on...yah...Wapner, in five minutes Judge Wapner is coming...four and three quarters minutes now...we can see judge Wapner...yah..."...but her world is so much smaller than ours it is understandable that she gets this one track mind...and she is 85 years old after all.
All of the kids and family were gracious and respectful, and though she wished she had had more of 'my time' for herself...she admitted she had a very nice Christmas...except for her original flight cancellation and losing her wallet on the way out.

She doesn't like to be called "Grandma", so her adult Grandchildren call her "Grandmother", and their kids call her "Great" (for Great Grandmother). She really likes that "GREAT" part.

...but, ya gotta give the devil it's due, and most people 85 don't care what they look like and don't want to take a licking and keep on ticking like my Mama does. Other than having some light housekeeping done...she hoes her own row and takes care of her own business. I should be SO LUCKY to have THAT STAMINA at 85.
Below, glamour queen Gloria poses with (David's) Sierra at our Christmas feast at "Pig Feathers Restaurant". ALL OF US were only together on December 23rd, so the Restaurant idea was hatched so that NO ONE (usually Wendy and Will) would be stuck cooking all day while everyone else 'hung' out.

BELOW, Our OLDEST son, DAVID (42) is shown here with only child Sierra (10)...and he is the most 'doting' father I have ever experienced. They are a tight team, and David and Sierra's Mom, Genice are still best pals even after their divorce several years ago.
David is working in the new Real Estate Company in Visalia "PASSPORT Real Estate" which specializes in long distance relocation moves and investments in second homes and vacation rentals.
We suffered near "destitution" in 2007 with the Real Estate and Lending Markets tanking big time...then dragging bottom forever it seems...but when most people lose in Real Estate, others 'win' and that is the market we are working now...only NOT for these twelve days of Christmas vacation, I can promise you that.
Sierra is a thoughtful, very bright and artistic grandchild...and pretty savvy on the old computer keyboard as well. Every teacher LOVES SIERRA...and what would many women pay for that 'strawberry blond' hair?
She is also a 'track star' and like David, solid as a rock and super athletic...and up for anything in sports! After a life of "Princess Pink" she announced she doesn't want any PINK anymore...just sports stuff.
Buh Bye little Princess...hello Tom Boy!

The OLDEST, daughter..Wendy (almost 39) is shown Below with her hunky husband Will...she is returning to college and was recently accepted at Oregon State University (the BEAVERS) as a Senior. She wants to get a dual degree in Communications and Health, and then Certification to Teach and perhaps just go for the Masters while she is at it. She served as a City Councilwoman for the City of Visalia, has more experience than most in Policy making for Government...and with her Degrees, more doors will open politically for her to move into development of new policy for health and fitness in the Schools.
To help make those goals happen, she is caring for Aunt Faye (97 years old in January) for some income, and working with us to take care of the ranch. She starts classes on January 7, and I can take care of Emily and look out for Jordan on the days Wendy drives to OSU in Corvallis
Wendy's husband Will has been a California General Contractor for the past 6 or 7 years, but may now be moving toward renewing his interest as a "Physical Trainer" for a local elite Health and Fitness Club...who has been soliciting him. Will was certified for life as a Physical Trainer when he served in the U.S. Coast Guard for six years in Alaska. Tough job, but "hammer in hand" gets tougher as the years pile on, methinks.

Wendy helps keep the home standing tall (clean freak nanner nanner), and Will helps with the pot holes and felled trees (about 60 of them fell during the last storm) chopping firewood and dangling from roofs etc. We couldn't keep the ranch much longer without their help...places like these are a LOT OF WORK. So, together, we are working toward making both their dreams come true. Will wants to return to College as well...and he is super intelligent and one of those lucky people with a photographic he will do well in the Medical Field he chooses. It is never too late to take up where life "left you off" I believe.

FAIRY PRINCESS EMILY (4 1/2), is Wendy and Will's youngest and only child 'together'. She is truly a girlie girl EXCEPT she LOVES horses. and has a whole roomful of them.
Jonathan (19) is Will's natural son, and Jordan Nicole (16) is Wendy's natural daughter...and they have established a good brother-sister relationship over the past 7 years Wendy and Will have been together.

Lindsay and Jim have FOUR BOYS altogether, Greg and Tom from Jim's prior marriage, and now EAN AND BEN who lit up our lives every single day they were here...boy do we have some good stories to tell about these little guys. EAN is BOY TO THE BONE (and Roach bossy) and BEN is the comedian and Grammies little budding artist, along with Sierra...
EAN (3 1/2) and BEN (2 and 18 mos younger) give Lindsay a run for the money, but she corrals them in pretty good when things start getting a little wild. EAN AND EMILY are very bossy (leadership in the making?) and playing together meant there was frequent "fireworks" as the irresistible force met the immovable mountain.
I think this is the first Christmas in my life that she has been with us...maybe one other when David was a baby. She finally made it on the 17th of December when she flew into Portland...after a 3 hour trip to the airport to get her was wasted on the 15th when her original flight was cancelled.
It's inconvenient to try to get a flight around Christmas, but where there is a will, there is a way and at 85 years old, she is still the "glamour queen" and "belle of the ball" at Senior Citizens and she is pretty independent all around...but worries and fusses way too much. She reminds me an Papa of "Rainman"...she gets on something and just doesn't quit..."Judge Wapner is coming on...yah...Wapner, in five minutes Judge Wapner is coming...four and three quarters minutes now...we can see judge Wapner...yah..."...but her world is so much smaller than ours it is understandable that she gets this one track mind...and she is 85 years old after all.
All of the kids and family were gracious and respectful, and though she wished she had had more of 'my time' for herself...she admitted she had a very nice Christmas...except for her original flight cancellation and losing her wallet on the way out.

She doesn't like to be called "Grandma", so her adult Grandchildren call her "Grandmother", and their kids call her "Great" (for Great Grandmother). She really likes that "GREAT" part.

...but, ya gotta give the devil it's due, and most people 85 don't care what they look like and don't want to take a licking and keep on ticking like my Mama does. Other than having some light housekeeping done...she hoes her own row and takes care of her own business. I should be SO LUCKY to have THAT STAMINA at 85.
Below, glamour queen Gloria poses with (David's) Sierra at our Christmas feast at "Pig Feathers Restaurant". ALL OF US were only together on December 23rd, so the Restaurant idea was hatched so that NO ONE (usually Wendy and Will) would be stuck cooking all day while everyone else 'hung' out.

BELOW, Our OLDEST son, DAVID (42) is shown here with only child Sierra (10)...and he is the most 'doting' father I have ever experienced. They are a tight team, and David and Sierra's Mom, Genice are still best pals even after their divorce several years ago.
Both of them are great parents, and that might be why Sierra has such a sweet spirit.
David is working in the new Real Estate Company in Visalia "PASSPORT Real Estate" which specializes in long distance relocation moves and investments in second homes and vacation rentals.
We suffered near "destitution" in 2007 with the Real Estate and Lending Markets tanking big time...then dragging bottom forever it seems...but when most people lose in Real Estate, others 'win' and that is the market we are working now...only NOT for these twelve days of Christmas vacation, I can promise you that.
Sierra is a thoughtful, very bright and artistic grandchild...and pretty savvy on the old computer keyboard as well. Every teacher LOVES SIERRA...and what would many women pay for that 'strawberry blond' hair?
She is also a 'track star' and like David, solid as a rock and super athletic...and up for anything in sports! After a life of "Princess Pink" she announced she doesn't want any PINK anymore...just sports stuff.
Buh Bye little Princess...hello Tom Boy!

The OLDEST, daughter..Wendy (almost 39) is shown Below with her hunky husband Will...she is returning to college and was recently accepted at Oregon State University (the BEAVERS) as a Senior. She wants to get a dual degree in Communications and Health, and then Certification to Teach and perhaps just go for the Masters while she is at it. She served as a City Councilwoman for the City of Visalia, has more experience than most in Policy making for Government...and with her Degrees, more doors will open politically for her to move into development of new policy for health and fitness in the Schools.
To help make those goals happen, she is caring for Aunt Faye (97 years old in January) for some income, and working with us to take care of the ranch. She starts classes on January 7, and I can take care of Emily and look out for Jordan on the days Wendy drives to OSU in Corvallis
Wendy's husband Will has been a California General Contractor for the past 6 or 7 years, but may now be moving toward renewing his interest as a "Physical Trainer" for a local elite Health and Fitness Club...who has been soliciting him. Will was certified for life as a Physical Trainer when he served in the U.S. Coast Guard for six years in Alaska. Tough job, but "hammer in hand" gets tougher as the years pile on, methinks.

Wendy helps keep the home standing tall (clean freak nanner nanner), and Will helps with the pot holes and felled trees (about 60 of them fell during the last storm) chopping firewood and dangling from roofs etc. We couldn't keep the ranch much longer without their help...places like these are a LOT OF WORK. So, together, we are working toward making both their dreams come true. Will wants to return to College as well...and he is super intelligent and one of those lucky people with a photographic he will do well in the Medical Field he chooses. It is never too late to take up where life "left you off" I believe.

FAIRY PRINCESS EMILY (4 1/2), is Wendy and Will's youngest and only child 'together'. She is truly a girlie girl EXCEPT she LOVES horses. and has a whole roomful of them.
She DOES LIKE PINK and being a Princess...and since I am writing a little "Children's Book for Adults", it is wonderful to exploit EMILY into being my beautiful fairie's photographs throughout the little book of thoughts.
She really laps that "dress up" stuff up...and she quicky became Grandmother's "favorite" since they both love attention and compliments and were willing to heap them on each other...but in a photo shoot, Emily can only cooperate for about ten photos...(mother too) so I have to think my 'shoot' out very carefully...then move like hell to get it done before she is hungry or tired or bored.
It's FUN though...and we both get to be creative...doing "our" thing.

Jordan stays in the Ranch house now with us, and John has been holing up in Will's 'travel trailer' here on the ranch as his digs... while he decides what to do next in his maybe...a new job...perhaps moving back to Sacramento where his Mom lives. We'll see soon enough as the year unfolds. Both of them are a great help to old Grammie and we love having them at the ranch. Amazing good kids in process of blossoming and becoming grown up...and we have a lot of fun all the time so we forget we are older (until we get up in the morning).
LINDSAY (Below) is the youngest daughter (almost 28) but hubby Jim and step-son Tom (Tom lived with us here on the ranch for some time while attending Oregon Coast Junior College, but returned to California some time ago) had to both work so neither of them could make the journey this Christmas.
Lindsay recently passed her California Real Estate Brokers Exam, so I look for her to become Broker of Record and full owner of our Mortgage Company down in California real soon. She worked for me since she was 16 years old...with only small flights here and there for other jobs. She's a natural born bean counter all right.
This last year kicked all our rears financially, and Lindsay's husband, Jim is also a Realtor so both of them suffered the bottom-out of the market too, so both of them had to get real jobs for a season to keep the bacon coming in.
Lindsay was fortunate enough to land a job with a big Western States Lender so really learned how to work effectively while she was with them. She missed about three lay-offs...but with many lenders closing their doors...she finally got the ax...just in time for the pick up of business at The Money Source where she is taking the helm shortly...and old MOM HERE is going to WORK FOR HER doing some marketing and smoozing and stuff she thinks I am good at.

Lindsay and Jim have FOUR BOYS altogether, Greg and Tom from Jim's prior marriage, and now EAN AND BEN who lit up our lives every single day they were here...boy do we have some good stories to tell about these little guys. EAN is BOY TO THE BONE (and Roach bossy) and BEN is the comedian and Grammies little budding artist, along with Sierra...

I mean, Princess Emily expected a knight in shining armor to do her bidding, and BOY TO THE BONE EAN wasn't having any of that 'girlie' stuff...I think you get the drift of that scene. It sure made me and Papa amused though.
JOEY (just 26 and shown below with nephew Ben) is the BABY BOY, and he is living and teaching high school in Idaho where he and his bride of two years (NICOLE) reside near her family. He will complete his Masters Degree (English) in April and is now eyeing his PhD as he loves teaching and wants to teach at the College Level.
JOEY (just 26 and shown below with nephew Ben) is the BABY BOY, and he is living and teaching high school in Idaho where he and his bride of two years (NICOLE) reside near her family. He will complete his Masters Degree (English) in April and is now eyeing his PhD as he loves teaching and wants to teach at the College Level.
Nicole, an Art graduate of Biola University, works as a Graphic Design Artist for a Greeting Card (and other like stuff) Company...and has learned to cope with Joey's humor...but I think she can lower the boom on him if he goes too far. She too has a great sense of humor, and her one liners are halarious...especially when they are aimed at Joey as he seems to take almost everything in stride...always has.
He looks a little more academic with the beard...or like Gilligan perhaps...but we like the fuzz and Nicole does too....or, maybe it just 'grew' on her?

There were so many presents under the tree...we let everyone open up one present (or more a day) so people could get use of their stuff while they were was always fun to gather up and open a present, seeing each other's gifts without the bedlam. The Adults all drew names, and below...the Ancient ONE (Aunt Faye) is receiving her warm and fuzzy new robe from Nicole. 
Faye in one of her newer robes (pink) loves the feel of her new black robe with the little mooses all over it.
SPECIAL GUESTS at the Christmas celebration was some of Will's family. Will's Mom is only 69, but she has lot's of health problems and has been on the verge of death several times in the past several years. Her will to live is probably what is keeping her going under very tough circumstances. His Mom, Joyce" lives with His sister MARILYN and her children, Catherine and Anthony when she is not in the hospital. It was great to have them over and to share Christmas joy (and presents) with them all.

There were so many presents under the tree...we let everyone open up one present (or more a day) so people could get use of their stuff while they were was always fun to gather up and open a present, seeing each other's gifts without the bedlam. The Adults all drew names, and below...the Ancient ONE (Aunt Faye) is receiving her warm and fuzzy new robe from Nicole.
Everyone got really spoiled rotten...but coming off this last year of one difficulty and disaster after another...with budgets and penny pinching the ONLY THING GOING for us where the pocket book is concerned....I think everyone DESERVED a little SPOILING.

Faye in one of her newer robes (pink) loves the feel of her new black robe with the little mooses all over it.
SPECIAL GUESTS at the Christmas celebration was some of Will's family. Will's Mom is only 69, but she has lot's of health problems and has been on the verge of death several times in the past several years. Her will to live is probably what is keeping her going under very tough circumstances. His Mom, Joyce" lives with His sister MARILYN and her children, Catherine and Anthony when she is not in the hospital. It was great to have them over and to share Christmas joy (and presents) with them all.
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