...to tearing out the old clawfoot tub in the upstairs bathroom..extending the bathroom size and building a wall across the bedroom, installing a jacuzzi tub, and in building a walk in closet.
So, every area of the log home is torn up now...and Will and Russ (his awesome helper)...are going to do some work for Cheryl Ann in Idaho so will be gone all next week starting tomorrow!
We had to raise the kitchen cabinets because they were set below standard and we couldn't install the microwave/fan over the stove/oven. We didn't have good water pressure and found out the main valves were 'stripped' and they were buried in dirt...so a lot of digging happened first, and then the valves had to be replaced...now the water pressure is great...but there was a loss of time.
Seems like everything they are doing is like that...and working around huge logs is challenging too...ya can't just 'poke a hole' in the sheetrock...or try to find a stud to nail something up...logs are not all the same size so a back board has to be created...and engineered...to work.
We had to have an Electrician come and add a whole new 'sub panel' box...as we have a clothes dryer, dishwasher, and now a jacuzzi tub...plus three televisions and computers etc. The Sellers hung their clothes out on a line (hard to fathom in Oregon...) didn't have cable or satellite TV, used their phone for "slower than molasses pouring" internet, didn't use the heaters as they cut firewood, and just lived so much more 'simple' than we do (and want to continue doing it too...), and I just took a good look at the toliets and pedestal sink...and they're both 'shot'...and believe me, I wasn't trying to be 'picky' either.
I should stop 'looking around' as the more I look, the more I see. ..and when I 'see'...I NEED!
Of course, whenever I choose something...I usually like the expensive one without even looking at the price tag. Just call it the 'City Woman' in me. Funny thing, the Log Home is going to have more work done on it than the Skyline House did in some ways...and we are on a very short 'timeline' this time around.
So much for 'simple' and on with having to fix two or three things before you can even 'get to' the work you 'thought' you were going to be doing. When all is said and done...it will be homey and comfortable...and NICE. I'll try to keep my mind on that 'end run' and not get too caught up in all the daily travesties as they occur...lol.
ABOVE is in our 30 x 40 bedroom that had a closet about four feet wide and four feet deep...and a bathroom the size of a postage stamp...so the 'guys' are framing in the bath and closet...but wouldn't you know it. ALL THE ELECTRICAL WIRES for the whole second floor were in the wall we had to remove....so they have to be spliced with longer wire, and put through the new framing in the new wall to soon come which provides a larger bathroom and a walk in closet.
Like I said, two steps forward, one step back. It's a journey all right, but everytime I go into that home I feel so 'at home'...maybe it is the warmth of the wood...or the open expanse...but whatever it is...and whatever condition it is in...I can tell you honestly, it feels more like "home' than anywhere we've lived in a long, long time.
We're still happy campers...and 'camping' is about all we even can do at this point....I don't even think the electric is on right now...and for a day or two, there was no water turned on so they could fix the valves. Talk about a Mountain Mama...way beyond my dreams for sure.
I know that it is going to look great after all the work is done.
Thanks Tom...it's always the 'getting there' that is the pain...isn't it?
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