Now this is the part where your Grandchildren go screaming from the room if they are small...and merely wince in disgust if a teenager.
Your son's will laugh, and your daughters will worry that they will 'look like their mother' when they get older.
Your son-in-laws see you this way much of the time...and your daughter-in-laws saw you this way before you ever met.
Our son Joey inspired me to choose a costume this year so that I could look like a real 'babe' when we went to a Dance at the Elks Club tonight. As I suspected...among the roaring twenties, little girls, elvira's, devils and clowns...I was 'by far' the ugliest, hands down.
The hump back got a little irritating....and the hat came off as well...but as soon as anyone really looked at me...smiling at them of course...they didn't look straight at me again, so I must have scared them a little, huh?
Allen went as a goth sort of character...but even he seemed a little distant from his 'lovely bride' tonight....didn't even ask me to get out there on the dance floor for a 'slow dance'....and wouldn't even take a bite of the delicious apple I offered him.
He kinda acted like, I the apple could have been poisoned or something. Can you imagine anyone doing something like that? No one seemed to want the lovely red apple....
That's when I knew I would hear the good news from our son Joe as soon as he sees this blog.
That this was indeed, a 'very cool costume and make up job'....bravely worn in public...among people I don't know, and a few I was 'introduced to' this evening for the first time.
Now, THAT'S when you know you're really, really 'brave'...!!! little pretties... after all that hard work, with Jordan as my assistant make-up artist...I just wanna know....where's my fabulous prize???
WOW- That is awesome!!!!!!!! You look really good, umm, ugly I mean. Good job mom, you should have won if there was a contest.
Linda , You were the hottest babe there. It was great seeing you guys out and about. Steve wished you two could of stayed longer. The music got louder and things got wilder after your leaving. The costume contest was interesting at best.
Well have a safe Halloween ,stay away from those bad apples!!!
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