So, here's to the UNSUNG heroes....

In celebration of 'Red Ribbon Week', we (CCR4C - Central Coast Riders 4 Charity) handed out the checks from the Adventure Run we had in July!
It might seem strange that we would wait so long, but several of the checks were for Different High School Sober Grad Committees, and of course, we had to wait until school started and new parents became involved.
Then with our move and all that has happened here lately, Wendy did some smart thinking and scheduled the presentation for the First Day of Red Ribbon week...which was perfect! She brought home made cookies..and Mary brought the really good coffee from her new Coffee Kiosk...and it was a very nice event.
Of course you all recognize Allen and I and Pat hiding in the background, and probably Chief Don Denison...and maybe Walt Young of CCR4C (Mary's husband). "Hogfather's" was not only a Major covered almost all the costs for the First Adventure Run so the money Bikers participation brought in could go to the programs.
It was neat meeting the volunteer Parents from Lincoln City's High School "Taft", Newport High School, and Waldport High School. The parent from Toledo High School wasn't there, but the Ladies of the Siletz Valley Friends of the Library were there. It felt good to be a part of something so positive for kids. At the event itself, the Cancer Society, and Partnership Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse, and the Siletz Valley Partnership were able to raise some money too. So a lot of good programs received money the first year of the event...which is awesome I think.
Of course, Chief Dennison's 'Challenge Camp" received the largest amount...and we hope to raise a lot more for this Camp as time goes on. Mary had us hold some money back for our next event the "Biker Ball' coming up in December...but hopefully that event will come in making some money as well, and then we'll have more money to give away.
I added a quality gold ring with precious stones for each program (nothing big, but...valued between $200. - $500. retail) and gave it to them to raffle off or use in a silent auction for fundraising for their all in all, it was very successful for everyone for a first year event.
Coming this Friday, Wendy set up a First Class Luncheon (and then went out and got all the donations to make it happen) to honor volunteers and professionals and various programs in Lincoln County who serve humanity all the time and never get acknowledged for their efforts outside their own groups.
Many of the programs and work is geared around the 'prevention' of drug and alcohol abuse...and by its one gets many 'kudos' when something 'doesn't happen' do they? They'll name a Professional of the Year, Program of the Year, Youth of the Year, and Essay Contest Winner....but, everyone there is a winner.
Wendy asked to play a Power Point Presentation I did called "Some Truths Are Self Evident" which is an honor for me...but hey, I had great help from most of the Grandkids as I found so many awesome 'favorite' pictures that inspired a poem or a thought to go with it. So I guess...the Grandkids will be the featured entertainment for the event without ever knowing it...except for Jordan, of course....who I think is about the same height and weight as McGruff the Crime dog who will be there for photo ops...I want to get a photo of me with THAT CELEBRITY...and will Post it if I get one.
So, Wendy is "at it again" in the Community...and next she wants to establish a "Public Safety Day" to honor folks here...just like she did for all the Police, Fire and EMTs in Visalia. She has something big going on every day this week...but fortunately, she let me work on my pile and this place for most of it. ha ha
As for my is totally cool...since I just suit up and show up and do whatever she points me at....(like I once did to her).... and I have the chance to be 'creative', which is my favorite form of work anyway, and as a bonus I get to feel like I am doing a little something for someone else, other than me and mine.
I'll try to get some pictures at the event and post them here...but just wanted to give a 'oooh raah' to those who seldom get them in real life, and to give Wendy an attagirl for her efforts! .
OOHHH RAAHHH! ............................ATTA GIRL!
I missed this post until now, so sorry, good job again to my big sister!!!!!!!!!!
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