We're going to Visalia for Christmas this year...and I will bet $50.00 that BEN is going to 'get me' as soon as he recognizes me and we kibbitz a little bit. I am counting on it to tell the truth! I don't know if this happens to other Grandparents...but EAN is totally 'taken' with Papa...and not so much with we call EAN PAPA'S BOY...but BEN AND I have something special going that I just can't put a finger on...but it's a bonding feeling that brings a lot of comfort to the relationship on both parts, so we call BEN GRAMMA'S BOY.
We both love them both...of course, but you will catch me playing more with BEN and ALLEN playing more with EAN...and it works out great to be somebody's 'favorite' when only the two of them are around...cause all of us are 'special' in some way, and I don't mean 'special ed'.
OK, OK - Now what could be more fun than a "Getcha Gotcha Goo' with your Grandson? Especially one who laughs really loud like Ean can at two, then he runs away and meets himself coming back for more of that rough Papa bear tickle treatments and growls.
I know my daughter Lindsay...and especially my son in law Jim (with two already GROWN SONS) get a real run for the money with their two 'little' boys, only 18 months apart...but in the end, what you remember the most are these precious times together and the family story portfolio just builds and builds! ...and for the Grandparents of such delightful rough and tumble guys...these times are just... Priceless! PS - Note the red face on Papa from laughing so much HIMSELF! It's 'pretty big stuff' when the 'older cousin' (Emily) shows the 'younger cousin' (Ean) the absolute correct way to pet and treat the minature goat on Grammie and Papa's ranch. (Did I mention that we come from a long line of 'bossy women' and it doesn't look like the chain will be broken in this generation either...with Emily, Sierra and Jordan. Ashleigh is our sunshine by marriage between Wendy and Will...but she's no slouch either...and we aren't going to be a bit of help in breaking that chain either, I fear).
Doesn't the goat look totally intrigued by this important animal husbandry lesson? Or do you think he realizes that there are no 'num nums' in either of these little hands...and he just hopes there won't be any 'poke in the eye by accident' heading his way?
At one time, Emily was afraid of the goats and the dogs...even when they were little, but now, in this adorable little 'take charge' voice, she let's them know who is who...and doesn't flee as they approach her anymore. Even for a real princess...Emily proves you can be brave!
Well, our young adult Grandson Tom is doing well...although he has a new nickname..."Fred Meyer" cause he is always there working whenever he can. His first quarter at Oregon Coast Community College is almost complete and it looks like he is coming out with all A's and maybe a B? He really has amazing energy and organization skills for one his age. I am always marveling and intrigued with him, and like our son Joe...he just doesn't seem to make any big mistakes in life...and doesn't want to either.
When I paid for his books the first time around, I told him that Gramma pays for "B's" and it looks like next Quarter I'll be ponying up for more new books in four classes...while Dad and Lindsay put the tuition down for the old college try. Tom drained his Bank Account paying for his Tuition this quarter as it is pretty expensive to attend college in Oregon compared with California. I am going to help him apply for a Pell Grant for the future, although I think it could happen by next year...and it will count more then anyway. I'll have to put my head with Joe and Nicole who just went through all we fill out all the forms correctly. The other night we worked on his schedule...and it came together beautifully for work and school if he can get in all the classes on his list now..but he was 'Johnny at the Rat Hole' to get an appointment before most others with his counselor, so we're keeping our fingers crossed.
It is such a pleasure to help Tom, because like Joey did during college...he tries to do all he can for himself. Fred Meyers knows they can rely on Tom to come in on his days off...and they do call him every time...only this week, Gramma put her size six 6 and a half down and said he HAS to take his day off next week. All work and no play makes Tom a dull boy...and he looked kind of down hearted when we all went to the Valley and he had signed up to work...again...yesterday. So, he agreed that a Day off will be good for him...and for me...cause We WILL do something fun and me!
OK - so this was one of the only 'rides' I got on my trike before it went into the SHOP...and things kept going down hill from there. The good news is that it is costing a small fortune to get the mistakes fixed because of the poor trike installation job some goofy mechanic did...but while half it's innards are laying on the shop floor....we're going to put a reverse in it as it doesn't have that gear now. Guess all the flames and skulls and cool looking stuff will have to wait another year...but boy those first rides ALONE were barrels of fun for this old gal... and I'm looking forward to many more come summer...Kind of like the old thrill of the Amusement Park...without the Queasy feeling... Whooo Hoooo! Allen and I were on a short Putt down the Bay Road from Toledo to Newport...and he took this photo to show the "matching' Road Kings...only thing is...his is still running perfectly, and mine is down lower than a snakes belly in a wagon they don't exactly match anymore...but you get the idea. ANYONE can ride a trike...and short, round people with a need for speed...absolutely need a trike in their inventory I think. Well, they don't NEED it, but it sure is nice to have and I am just 'thankful' all over about it.
There are just so many 'milestones' in life, and this is one of them. This is HS Senior Jon's first he also works at Fred Meyers and pays for all his own...well...everything. He's also a great kid and never brings anyone any real grief...and he plans on going into the Navy right after he graduates. I am not as keen on that as I once was, but he doesn't think he has any other choice in order to go to college...and getting this car for him so he would have transportation when Will is working in California and Wendy has a long day about all the interference I want to risk right now.
Jon is very intelligent, but he's grown 6 inches in the past year so he is always a good amount of his paycheck goes for food...which causes other problems like running out of gas...and sleeping too long in the morning due to lack of energy which causes 'tardies' and the restriction on the car for two weeks...I remember my own 'boys' during their 'growing spurts' and I seldom saw their faces because their butts were always hanging out of the refridgerator!
Jon is always fun to be around with Grammie and Papa...and next month he has another Milestone to share with us...his 18th Birthday. We'll be ready for that happy event!

Nichole was game for a photo shoot so we could develop the basis for the Posters I am creating, so of course the Biker gear was involved cause kids love Bikers. When I get some of them done to my satisfaction...I'll try to post them here and share them with you. This particular photo op also stars "Emily' as many folks forget that children are always 'looking up' to someone, and they are going to TO WHAT YOU DO AND NOT WHAT YOU SAY. Want kids to stay away from the alcohol and drug life...then it is best to stay away from it yourself. That's the message and who knows, maybe there will be just one kid who 'gets' it'...or even one set of parents somewhere who can refrain from another 'tug on the jug' no matter how fashionable it seems at the time.
Now, here is the Crown Jewel of HOGFATHER'S...and believe it or not...this old boy likes to Cook. We're only going to be open two nights a week...Friday and Saturday nights...for our Dinner Theater...but we figured out a way to do it all ourselves since what we had planned on happening didn't (it never does...) with a little help from our friends and a couple of Leslies won't hurt either. I've been booking all the talent and entertainment for January...and it looks like we will do some 'humping hard' for about three days a week...and we might still have time to 'smell the roses' too. This 'figuring' stuff can sure be hard on an old couple like us...but hell, I KNOW how to throw a on Friday and Saturday nights...LOOK OUT MAMA CAUSE HERE WE COME!
When I ordered Jordan's official 'Cheerleading' photos...I had no idea of how grown up and beautiful she would look in them. She is just blossoming more and more everyday...and what a great time we all have when she is around. Val and Jordan and I went to Eugene yesterday and we could not stop laughing...just one of those moods I guess. In a little more than 6 months Jordan will be 16...and look out world cause here she comes. Cheerleading has given her a confidence she didn't have before...or if she had it, she didn't display it as she has always been in the background since Wendy's star is always so bright...but she is coming into her own for real, and what a priceless sight to see...because after all, she will always be the 'first grandchild'.
She also worked on a crew to 'beautify' Toledo all this summer...outdoor physical labor (at barely 15) and she really likes the physical outdoor work a lot. She would rather fill pot holes with Papa than make a house pretty...and even the year before, (at barely 14) she also worked and earned her own money for things she wanted for herself and others. Even if almost all of it did go for an out of control cell phone bill the first year....I think she did 'clothes' the most this year...go figure! IF THAT'S ALL NOT CAUSE TO BE 'THANKFUL'...I REALLY DON'T KNOW WHAT IS?