There's SOMETHING about JOEY...
It's the J-O-E-Y coming your way from BOISE, IDAHO...and doesn't he look as sweet as he always has...just before he pulls something to cause Lindsay to wack him up side the head? Well, no fear this time...Joey was ending his journey to his Masters Degree and teaching Certifications for Idaho and Oregon with a big bang and we sure did not want to miss that event in his life.
The room was filled with fourteen Master's Thesis Presentations and each one presented interesting research and intelligent delivery, but Joey's (and Nicole's) Presentation was so far over the top in professionalism and thoughtful discourse, we almost blushed.
He is truly the consummate "English Teacher" now. His innovative and successful enticements for kids to expand their vocabulary were frankly, pretty astonishing...but he has only just begun to prepare to introduce it on a grander scale. It's pretty exciting stuff and a way to educate high schoolers that actually 'works'.

Nicole's parents were able to attend the presentation as well, and you would have thought it was their own son receiving accolades. Our bond with them was sealed with that act of pride alone. After the 'main event', we all went to dinner at a nice restaurant Joey reccommended and emersed ourselves in family conversations. What a fun evening.

Nicole and her Mom left early Saturday morning to attend a wedding of one of Nicoles high school friends she made when they lived in a fairly remote area of Washington. In spite of the grueling drive they had to make, Nicole didn't leave before helping Joey present his content professionally. Nicole designed and had printed his presentation manual, awesome brochures, business cards and the large poster board with the highlights of his research.
We spent Papa's birthday flying to Boise, or I should say...going through the tight security necessary at 'Portland' airport. Papa's pacemaker alone assures he is going to have to almost get down to his birthday suit in order to be worthy to climb onto a little plane with itty bitty seats...but once's only an hours flight to Boise...and we were as excited as Ean and Ben on Christmas.

He is truly the consummate "English Teacher" now. His innovative and successful enticements for kids to expand their vocabulary were frankly, pretty astonishing...but he has only just begun to prepare to introduce it on a grander scale. It's pretty exciting stuff and a way to educate high schoolers that actually 'works'.

Nicole's parents were able to attend the presentation as well, and you would have thought it was their own son receiving accolades. Our bond with them was sealed with that act of pride alone. After the 'main event', we all went to dinner at a nice restaurant Joey reccommended and emersed ourselves in family conversations. What a fun evening.

Nicole and her Mom left early Saturday morning to attend a wedding of one of Nicoles high school friends she made when they lived in a fairly remote area of Washington. In spite of the grueling drive they had to make, Nicole didn't leave before helping Joey present his content professionally. Nicole designed and had printed his presentation manual, awesome brochures, business cards and the large poster board with the highlights of his research.
She said that she kept offering to help Joey all along, but he would just decline and diligently go to his office each night after teaching and work on his thesis. She said she was really happy when she was able to help him in a meaningful way, and I do mean "wow". We were able to visit the printing corporation she designs for and that was a great field trip for this old newspaper reporter. First class operation all the way.
Nicole even introduced us to the other graphic artists as they are all clustered in creative office suites busily offering up their creations. From posters to postcards and everything in between. Nicole's portfolio is growing and impressive on its own. What fun to delve through it!
Nicole's 'grandparents' came aboard the celebration train to learn all about Joey's project and here they are shown with Papa looking on and listening intently.
Here's our guy with some of his peers, so many nice things said about each of them. It seems the age differences didn't interfere with a good collaborative group who mixed their good natures together into a closely bonded soup of ideas. Joey's teacher smiled, and I thought I was looking at Wendy! Many of the same features, mannerisms and a like-kind countenance as well.
On Saturday, we ventured the Cheescake Factory and then onto BORDERS. A place that always reminds of great family times in Visalia when we would all head to Borders, (motorcycles or not) and just hang out for an afternoon. I wanted to get a shot of proud Papa and the object of his greatest pride. We all bought books, or music that day.
We drove through a dozen or so neighborhoods and areas as Joey and Nicole prepare to buy their first home once he lands a contract he can live with. The "Treasure Valley" they live in reminds me of a 'Visalia' clone of yesteryear. They even have their own the "lakes" we went into some of those too. 
So here is the 'man of the hour' with some great 'squeezes' in his arms. You wouldn't expect less of a guy who writes so eloquently, inspirationally and clearly even his own mom and dad must work on improving their vocabulary again...or risk being left in the intellectual dust Joey predicts lest we change our ways.

We went to Guitar world to check out some drum components Joey is missing from his set. Then we talked Joey into seeing 'Ironman' with us as we already made the venture with Jordan and found the graphics, writing and storyline first rate...not to mention the special effects. Wow.
Joe then introduced us to "Idaho Joe's" Pizza or something like that...and we snagged a big one and took it back to the hotel before we crashed.
He gave Papa a movie for his birthday "Across the Universe" with Beatles music throughout and gave me a great little book "eat, pray, love" which has an italian flair so can't wait to delve into it.
For the record, We did watch the movie the other night and for old vietnam veteran fringe hippies like was like take-off in the yellow submarine. Thanks Joey!
We drove through a dozen or so neighborhoods and areas as Joey and Nicole prepare to buy their first home once he lands a contract he can live with. The "Treasure Valley" they live in reminds me of a 'Visalia' clone of yesteryear. They even have their own the "lakes" we went into some of those too.
Amazing new construction going up everywhere!
On Sunday he got us up at the crack of dawn to visit his growing church. We went early to watch him warm up the drums, but it was Mother's Day so it was more 'sweet' than 'rockin' that day...but he did have one drum song that got everyone going pretty good...and then, we met a lot of people with many compliments for the Palmer couple.
The thing that first and most impressed me was that before anything started, the young and handsome pastor called all the little kids forward to sit down in front of the stage and the pastor sat down on the floor with them and they had a little talk about mothers.
Joey later told me that they do that each week. It reminded me of the Rex Brown days at New Hope we all shared as family when it was growing in leaps and bounds and had a sincere love for God and each other in it. The best thing about that day (other than getting to spend it with Joey) was that Dennis (Joeys pal from Visalia and then college days in LA) is the sound man for the church and he went out to lunch with us after church to a hamburger building place called "Fundruckers" or a name close to that.
It was just a blast spending time in Joey's world for several days and just going wherever he wanted to show us, except for "Ironman" of course.

So here is the 'man of the hour' with some great 'squeezes' in his arms. You wouldn't expect less of a guy who writes so eloquently, inspirationally and clearly even his own mom and dad must work on improving their vocabulary again...or risk being left in the intellectual dust Joey predicts lest we change our ways.
The Cap and Gown are really nice brass rings, Joey and we are so proud of you for that...but the ideas you have researched, shared, tested and documented could be 'nation changing' for our young people growing up and away from a good command of language.
In a world like this, how important is it for our future leaders to do more than 'grunt' when faced with competing with the best educated and able to convey perceptions to page clearly. I can't wait to hear how the "vocab-lab" concept is coming along and remember, Wendy can help you write your Grants, if you can help her with math. lol
Love to All...what a mightly fine time we had.
sJoey: I am so proud of you. GO JOEY, GO JOEY. What a beautiful wife you have too. She just gets prettier every year, I guess it is true, behind every good woman, is a good man. And of course visa versa. And yes Joey I know my commas are in the wrong places and incomplete sentences are here too. LOL LOL But just wanted to let you know you have made my heart smile. You are such a wonderful blessing to all of your family and I am sure all of your family feels that way. Great Big Hugs Aunt Elsie
Way to go Joey! I am so proud of you bro. We need to get together as we think a lot a like (you better than me, but similiar philosophy). You give me hope and motivate me to aspire to greater things. I miss you and wish you and Nicole lived closer!
Take care and way to go dud, totally awesome! LOL
Love the big sister
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