Nanny Jo: What in the world is THAT FUNNY LOOKING CREATURE?
Billy Tom: Don't ask me Kiddo...he looks pretty strange to me too...but he's the FNG around the barnyard it appears.
Nanny Jo: Well, at least he is smaller than us, so if he causes us any ruckus we can head butt him on down the road and away from here!
Billy Tom: Well, what I wanna know is how come he doesn't have a damned leash on him like we do, and how come everyone that shows up around here these days starts hugging and cuddling with him FIRST now? What are we..."chopped liver"?
Nanny Jo: Can't say Billy Tom, but we'll just have to keep a close eye on the disgusting little creature everyone seems to think is so special...but if anyone starts giving him OUR 'num nums', then I think we are going to have to take serious action! I don't especially care for those humans 'pawing' at us anyway...but when it comes to handing someone else MY food, well I can be a supreme Miss B if I must!
Billy Tom: All I know is that he is a very stupid goat! He sniffs the grass and doesn't eat it. His ears are drooping down and not pointing up like they're supposed to. He looks like the 'runt' of the barnyard, and he can't even get up and down small cliffs without rolling! Not even a hint of horns, and look at how goofy he walks? Worse looking goat I ever saw, that' for sure!
Nanny Jo: On that astute observation Billy Tom, I couldn't agree more. Now, I'm ready for my 'num nums' and going to baaaaaaaah, baaaaaah, wake up humans! Can't you see it is getting dark? Time for our 'treats' and for putting us to bed...HELLO...ANYONE OUT THERE?
Billy Tom: Wonder how long it will take us to get the Humans trained, Nanny? Baaaaaah, baaaaah can't you hear Nanny calling you Bald old man and fat old woman? We want our 'Num nums' and to go to bed. Sheesh!
This is going to be a 'tough family' to get into gear, and with that 'weirdo' around, I think it is getting tougher everyday!
Nanny Jo: Yaaaaaah...Baaaaaah....Yaaaaaaah!
Pretty smart goats you have there. Funny!
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