My daughter LINDSAY was concerned that Ean (19 mos) would not like the "Boy Riding a Chicken" Costume she had picked out for him also got him this "Pumpkin Belly Costume" a back up.
It looks like EAN thought having that big Papa Belly in the middle was just more than he could Bear.
Then there is BENJAMIN...merely 5 or 6 weeks old...already dressing up as a Court Jester...and can ya believe how long his legs are already???
JOKING...the long legs are part of the costume...and BENJAMIN'S legs are the normal little froggy looking legs of a newborn.
EMILY looks like she LOVES being a cheerleader...and surely resembles her Mama WENDY here in this photo.
I'm not sure if Jonathan (Junior) or Tom (Senior) had the nerve to go out for the candy haul this year in costume...and not too certain Jordan (Freshman) or Ashleigh (Freshman) did either...
...but I KNOW that my little SIERRA was decked out (perhaps as a witch?), but will have to wait for a picture of her to post here...and it could be a long, long wait I fear. Her Mom, GENICE and my son, DAVID (her Dad) are the worst ever at passing along pictures. They will order a big pack of photos for school...and have good intentions, but when Sierra graduates from College she is going to find all those packets and wonder why they ordered 50 photos of the same pose and never gave any away?
Maybe we'll have better luck this year...SIERRA is in 3rd Grade now, so I could get them faster if I ask her to email them to me, I think. lol
GRANDKIDS...are the SPICE OF LIFE...and I wish everyone a good 'flock' of them.

Way to CUTE! I think Ean liked the chicken costume the best! LOL
Wendy - Jim told me that we have to call it "Boy Riding a DUCK'...cause if you tell EAN it is a 'chicken' the costume has the same results as the Pumpkin Belly one.. that's DUCK...cause EAN says DUCK, DUCK...and he likes the DUCKS at the park...but probably not a lot of dumb chickens around there for him to see. lol
That's DUCK....DUCK...
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