Lucky was able to come home today after seven days in the hospital.
He is starting back on some special food, so we feed him every two hours and watch to see if he up-chucks (we've had one 'up' so far), then he only gets 'ice cubes' instead of water, and we watch him on that too.
So it is a little like taking care of an infant as he begins the long road to building his strength and 'bulk' back.
Add all the things we have to do for Faye now, and it is like running a home for the disabled inside and out.
Yahzee didn't know what to make of Lucky at first and acted like she didn't know him...so she was raising all kinds of hell when he first came home, but she soon settled in to proving herself the ALPHA around here, and of course, she won.
She took over 'Joey's' position in the dog house, and was pretty firm about it, so Lucky went and laid in the sun on the porch, and later...out on the lawn, so she followed him there. Look at her face in the photos and you can see the 'confidence' she has after 'testing' out Lucky's strength.
Allen worked on stuff today near the house, cleaning out the totally clogged 'gutters' so he could keep a close eye on things and see how it went, picking up limbs he cut and those that blew in from the storms last week.
It wasn't long until the 'pups' were following each other around the yard, checking everything out, and Yahzee was trying to drag the limbs of trees Allen cut from the close in big trees the other day (so more sunlight can get to the lawn area) perhaps to show off (who knows?), the limbs were larger than her so she didn't get very far with them, but she TRIED and Lucky seemed pretty impressed.
It would be cool to think like a dog (when you wanted to) and to know what they are communicating with each other, but that is impossible still so we have to put a human spin on what they do.
Yahzee 'frolicked', but Lucky has really limited resources...so he tries, but has to rest frequently. He just sort of 'falls over' when he wants to lay down since he has lost so much muscle, and where he used to lay down with agility...now there is a sort of 'thud'.
Give him two or three weeks, and things will be a lot different I think. So, it's OK that Yahzee has her moment of 'fame', especially since she was the 'runt' of the litter and always had hind tit before...except for Nicky, who was so sweet she deferred to Yahzee and Yahzee was just like Lucky in the sense that both of them never stopped going for ALPHA, even with Joey! It will be interesting to see what happens when Lucky gets his strength back...as he never let the 'girls' win at anything before. Only Joey had dominion over Lucky...and he was determined to keep it that way...under protest of course.
Will is planning on coming home this Friday from Santa Rosa, so Yahzee will probably be going home at nights when he does. Jon and Ashleigh are coming home with him for Spring Break so both Yahzee and Lucky will surely get a lot of love and attention that week. I'm pretty sure the ATV's and probably the new Go Kart will get a good work out as well. Neither Jon or Ashleigh have ever been to the ranch, so they have some surprises in store I think.
I think Karen and Elizabeth are looking at coming up on Spring Break too...so the fun and activity always pleases the dogs...especially all the extra love and attention they get. Of course, Allen and I love all the company that comes from near or far as it adds a lot of spice to our lives.
The sun has been shining bright the past two days and I've been out in it as much as possible. Allen and Jordan just took the Quads to check the West Hill's trail and how it fared with the last storms. I'm going to ride the trails tomorrow, but we had a Doctors appointment today for Faye, several town errands, and Lucky's "Homecoming" and care, so it just got too packed to have time for the trail rides I want to take. I always feel so good when we get to ride around the property..the wind, fresh air and the beauty around me is just good for the soul.
It's supposed to be sunshine all week, so that will be good for Lucky...and for Linda and Allen and Aunt Faye. I even brought Faye outdoors today to show her the work Allen has been getting done around here.
I'll spare you more 'dog talk', but wanted you to know that at least for 'Lucky', we're on the road to recovery.
THANKS for your kind words and thoughts too!
That's My Girl! Show'em whose boss! LOL.
ps glad to see Lucky is getting better every day and Nicki was found alive and well after one month!
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