Well, since I got zero comments on my last Post, I guess it was either so true no one wanted to comment, so one read it, or so gross no one wanted to admit they knew what I meant...or, maybe everyone is more busy than a one armed paper hanger we'll try something new...maybe something here will merit a comment?
Hope so, cause it gets depressing to find no posts on the family blogs for weeks when I check every emails in my email box from the family or pals for months in some instances...and not even a one line comment on my Blog either. So if short is sweeter...let's do it that way and see what happens.
Just had to go to the Doctor for the second time this year! I never go to the Doctor...but seem to have a bad kidney and plumbing infection so a ten day antibiotic thing is going on right now, but the whole ordeal has worn me into being a uncomfortable slug and kind of grumpy too.
Lindsay is going to have a Birthday in a few days, I sent her a gift, but carefully poured through some antique and other stores and found her another unique the time I got home, one of the items was now I have to 'give it to her' when she comes up here again (or me down there, depending on who can hold out the longest missing each other)...because I now realize how fragile what I bought is and don't dare ship it...and am mad at myself for not realizing that to begin with. Damnit.
Should I take photos of her present and post it on my Blog on her Birthday? Then, she can get it on her Birthday...but just not in person....just an idea.
William blew himself up...well, not up...but over a cliff yesterday. Instead of working on a "list' of things I gave him (and Allen) I would like done here and in the other properties...William was helping Allen get rid of some of the berry brush piles that have sprouted up all over the ranch...and need to be burned.
He was pouring gasoline on a dried up berry bush pile down by the lower shop and when he lit would have thought a bomb landed. The pile exploded into flames and the power of it blew Will over the edge of that area into where the big tree stumps were shoved by the former owner.
He ended up with First and Second Degree Burns on his arms and face and had to go to Emergency. I haven't seen him since the accident yesterday, and Will isn't a whiner when it comes to pain, believe me...but even a small burn has made me miserable beyond hugs and prayers to Will.
Jordan made Toledo High School Cheerleader for the JV Team so she'll have lot's of Rah Rah going on for next year! They'll be practicing hard for most of the summer...Wendy is trying to keep them from ordering the most slutty looking outfits in the book (the other new Cheerleaders) but this should be a great adventure for Jordan and frankly, she is pretty shy in public so I was sorta surprised when she said she was going to try out.
Here's a photo of Emmie, Will and Jordan with Emmie Boo's FIRST SNOW MAN in front of their home on 'Snow Day' in Oregon....'firsts' are always fun...aren't they?
SURELY, one of the above is worthy of a 60 second comment at least?
Linda , You gotta get to feeling better. To much to do so you of all people are not allowed to be sick.
Will oh my dear lord, what a scare dude. You shouldnt be allowed to play with Allen and dangerous chemicals. Sometimes you two have way to much excitment.I can think of three nutty episodes this year. Geez!I hope you get to feeling better soon.
Kuddo's to Jordon, rah rah rah kick um in the knee!!! Push um back, all the way back! I want pictures of you in your uniform.
Emme I still have your birthday present here. I'll get it you before you turn 4.
I am going to have to start visiting the ranch more often to catch up with all the on hand excitement. Things never get that wild here on the hill.
Take care you guys,
I must have been feeling your pain because I did comment today. It was quite long and I had to take it in sections.
I am sorry you are having a hard time, and that I haven't had the mind set to check on you.
Cute picture, and I will work on posting this weekend. I took some really cute videos but when I download them they come out crappy and so I have to take extra time to figure out what is wrong.
Hang in There, we will all be in the crappy attitude club for now I guess.
It is amazing what an accident can do to make you realize you still love some one! I told my poor husband that I guess I don't hate him as much as I thought, because as soon as I heard his voice on the line, I knew he was in trouble and I made it from Newport to our home in about 5 minutes flat! I took one look at his arm with the burnt flesh and said you are going to the hospital. Will reminds me of the Monty Python movie where the guy gets his leg cut off and is hoping on his other leg saying "I am o.k. its just a flesh wound"! Thank God he is o.k and already back to working out! He is one tough man and he is also like a cat...he has 9 lives...most importanty...I do love him and can't imagine my life without him!
I hope your kidney isn't too serious and that Will's face is still recognizable. So Jordan is on a cheerleading team? Weird. Is she our first family member to be a cheerleader? Well, David was the first karate geek, Wendy was the first singing lady, Lindsay was the first band nerd, and I was the first cool person in the family...someone has to bring balance to the family.
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