When a best friend is your son-in-law
you've already discredited all the 'mother-in-law jokes' in the universe.
Jim was a 'special guest' because, from a practical sense,
the "food in me belly" depends on the "sweat of his brow" much of the time.
He's running the Visalia Real Estate office, and we talk business
(Ok...mostly we talk smack..two or three times a week).
Sometimes I think I communicate with Jim more than I do my husband
but the entertainment value alone is Priceless!
Thanks for taking the long journey to my Birthday party
with two little ones in the back seat for the duration...
and thanks for deigning to give me two awesome new Grandson's too.
It appears that making 'boys' is one of Jim's specialties
since he is now 4-0 on that score.
I love you dearly and am glad we finally got a picture "together" too!
Special Guest "Emily Boo"...
this little cherub face in the Lennon glasses
belongs to a little "woman in the making" of formidable power.
Already a precocious 3 year old with a mind like a steel trap,
her sweet nature disarms the determined authority of almost anyone who believes they are able to "reign in" the free spirit and will of this filly.
She is a wonderful companion for Grammie because I so enjoy watching
her practice her wiles and wit at such an early age...but unless she is
challenged in a gifted program soon...I predict she will be a despot by the time she is 5 years old. She's from a long line of 'bossy' women...but none showed
such outstanding 'proficiency' at the age of three.
Oh My!

Everyone deserves a 'secret weapon' in their family arsenal, and my son in law William is mine. Of course, very few are as lucky as I am to call this guy 'my boy'. When something needs to be done around our home, or the rentals we know that William is always there to help get 'er done. He's prepared more dinners for us than anyone else...ever...and should an emergency arise...Will is one family Member that you KNOW will suit up and show up to lend a hand. So, he is very special...mainly because he doesn't owe us a thing...but still freely gives of his time and talent and energy for the old codgers.
So, as a 'special guest' and beloved friend...I knight William..."Sir Will"
always this damsel's "knight in shining armor"! Thanks for everything!
AAAHHH how sweet!!!
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