This post is special because it is a milestone post...in many ways. It is the 100th post on this Blog...posted on Papa's Birthday....about my Grandson, Tom...so there ya go!
In less than a month, our Grandson Tom will be graduating from Mt. Whitney High School where his excellent GPA, involvement in his Business Club and "never once in trouble" for anything...has made everyone very proud of him.

In addition to school, he works a lot of hours for McDonald's and is very involved in his church...even doing some youth ministry for his congregation.
About a day after graduation, he'll have his new Saturn loaded with his 'stuff' and with his Dad's help, he'll make his first long 'driving' trip to Oregon, where he will stay with Grammie and Papa while working this summer and going to college in the fall.
Tom doesn't even know this yet, but today his Gramma and Papa had lunch with the new to be next month (now the manager) "owners" of "Gracie's Sea Hag in Depoe Bay, and with a few good words placed in Tom's direction, he has the promise of a "j-o-b" for a high end restaurant, starting as a bus boy (who gets tipped out by the waitresses) and with a good record there (as he has at McDonalds now), will be trained as a waiter as soon as he turns 18!
The new "Owners" love to have fun, and the Sea Hag is one of the best known, and loved restaurants around...so congratulations Tom...for doing everything in your life so far, "the right way". They also love to hire college students who come back year after year for the summer tourist season because it is a great place to work...so he'll be meeting new people and making new friends, right out of the gate! Too cool!
Check out the Restaurant at http://www.theseahag.com/ and give your Granny a big hug when ya get here OK? Minimum wage in Oregon is $7.50 an hour I believe, so plus tips...and several nights a week of work...you'll still be hearing the jingle of money in that pocket without much interruption at all!
Now, with Tom's amazingly 'busy' schedule he seldom finds time for social activities outside of work and school and church, so it was with some surprise his parents learned that he was going to "Prom" this past weekend.
When he showed up for the usual 'prom photo opportunity', he didn't have one date for the Prom, but TWO good looking young ladies on his arm. His Dad Jim, and my Daughter Lindsay, his step Mom...were somewhat shocked. Tom made no mention to them of even going to Prom until just a few days before the event...as he is rarely "home" these days, and Jim and Lindsay (with two year old and 8 month old Ean and Ben,...are rarely anywhere else but home after working all day) so their paths with Tom's cross infrequently these days.

Tom plans on majoring in 'business' and has an interest in the Restaurant Business as well, and armed with a handsome face, a ready smile, a willingness to work hard on the job, and that famous "Moore Boy Charm"...I do believe he could be President of the United States if he wants to someday...oh and did I say he was a little 'anal' about the very things that make a good businessperson?
If he can get it cheaper, he will...if he can get someone else to pay for it, he does...if he can make money doing it, he will, and he can charm the coat off a cat without asking for it...so stuff just 'happens' for this kid. ...and did I tell you he is also a lot of fun to joke with, now that he has developed a good sense of humor after years of being so serious about everything? He cares about world events, and get this: here is a kid who gets up in the morning and checks out the 'business news' on his computer..just to stay informed? It's 'fascinating' to him!
Like I said, the doors are always going to be open for this kid...for zero bad habits and no baggage or wreckage of the past either. Yowzies! If a Grammie can't claim 'bragging rights' on a kid like this, then there just isn't any 'bragging rights' available to anyone.
Lindsay and Jim were a little surprised when Tom showed up after Prom at about 4:00 am and let them know that even though he didn't know how to 'dance', he got up there and 'danced anyway' and had a great time! So go ahead and add 'guts' to that list of attributes as well.
I gotta tell ya, I just love this kid...and we'll have lots of fun this summer and during the school year too...since there is "always something" interesting going on in this neck of the woods...even if not always 'a rose garden' we're walking through.
A day or two 'after' Tom and Jim get here in June, another 'do it all the right way' guy is going to be here for about a week, and that would be our son Joey!
We'll be picking up Joey at the Portland Airport on the 10th and going to a Comedy Club show, and about five or six of his College Pals are taking a Road Trip to Portland for the Comedy Show, and then will head on down to our Ranch to have a great time for a couple of days before returning to the LA area and their new 'jobs' following College....and they will be bringing their 'paintball' equipment with them when they come.
I've got some of the "Local Kids" lined up to field a team...including Carson and Savannah (who is graduating in June as well from Toledo High School...and manages the Newport Rec Center Pool now) and some of her friends...guys and gals...
...and we'll have a 'Paintball" tournament here right out of the gate (hope Tom remembers to bring his Christmas Paintball stuff...and that his Dad is game to play too...THIS time...) so we can have the "Locals" against the "City Boys" at least for a couple of games.
I may even be able to learn to work my new 'video' camera to record the event for Joey and his pals to create a movie with...
I think we'll have the basketball hoop up by then, and Will is going to get the 'track done' for the Trail Bikes and Quads and the Go Kart and BMX bikes, so with the Pool table, a Poker Tournament, Air Hockey, Darts, Chess and some wide open spaces...I think the "crew" coming here in June will have a pretty rocking time...and we haven't even hit the beach yet...
Joey doesn't even know this, but Papa talked to his sister Karen today...and she might be able to make the trip here as well at the same time with Elizabeth for a little R & R (I would hardly call coming here 'rest and relaxation' though) away from her job and City life as well.
So, there ya go...Tom...how's that for a good season 'starter'? I gotcha 'covered' already....and ya know what? You earned it, and you deserve it!
Job Well Done!
In less than a month, our Grandson Tom will be graduating from Mt. Whitney High School where his excellent GPA, involvement in his Business Club and "never once in trouble" for anything...has made everyone very proud of him.

In addition to school, he works a lot of hours for McDonald's and is very involved in his church...even doing some youth ministry for his congregation.
About a day after graduation, he'll have his new Saturn loaded with his 'stuff' and with his Dad's help, he'll make his first long 'driving' trip to Oregon, where he will stay with Grammie and Papa while working this summer and going to college in the fall.
Tom doesn't even know this yet, but today his Gramma and Papa had lunch with the new to be next month (now the manager) "owners" of "Gracie's Sea Hag in Depoe Bay, and with a few good words placed in Tom's direction, he has the promise of a "j-o-b" for a high end restaurant, starting as a bus boy (who gets tipped out by the waitresses) and with a good record there (as he has at McDonalds now), will be trained as a waiter as soon as he turns 18!
The new "Owners" love to have fun, and the Sea Hag is one of the best known, and loved restaurants around...so congratulations Tom...for doing everything in your life so far, "the right way". They also love to hire college students who come back year after year for the summer tourist season because it is a great place to work...so he'll be meeting new people and making new friends, right out of the gate! Too cool!
Check out the Restaurant at http://www.theseahag.com/ and give your Granny a big hug when ya get here OK? Minimum wage in Oregon is $7.50 an hour I believe, so plus tips...and several nights a week of work...you'll still be hearing the jingle of money in that pocket without much interruption at all!
Now, with Tom's amazingly 'busy' schedule he seldom finds time for social activities outside of work and school and church, so it was with some surprise his parents learned that he was going to "Prom" this past weekend.
When he showed up for the usual 'prom photo opportunity', he didn't have one date for the Prom, but TWO good looking young ladies on his arm. His Dad Jim, and my Daughter Lindsay, his step Mom...were somewhat shocked. Tom made no mention to them of even going to Prom until just a few days before the event...as he is rarely "home" these days, and Jim and Lindsay (with two year old and 8 month old Ean and Ben,...are rarely anywhere else but home after working all day) so their paths with Tom's cross infrequently these days.

Tom plans on majoring in 'business' and has an interest in the Restaurant Business as well, and armed with a handsome face, a ready smile, a willingness to work hard on the job, and that famous "Moore Boy Charm"...I do believe he could be President of the United States if he wants to someday...oh and did I say he was a little 'anal' about the very things that make a good businessperson?
If he can get it cheaper, he will...if he can get someone else to pay for it, he does...if he can make money doing it, he will, and he can charm the coat off a cat without asking for it...so stuff just 'happens' for this kid. ...and did I tell you he is also a lot of fun to joke with, now that he has developed a good sense of humor after years of being so serious about everything? He cares about world events, and get this: here is a kid who gets up in the morning and checks out the 'business news' on his computer..just to stay informed? It's 'fascinating' to him!
Like I said, the doors are always going to be open for this kid...for zero bad habits and no baggage or wreckage of the past either. Yowzies! If a Grammie can't claim 'bragging rights' on a kid like this, then there just isn't any 'bragging rights' available to anyone.
Lindsay and Jim were a little surprised when Tom showed up after Prom at about 4:00 am and let them know that even though he didn't know how to 'dance', he got up there and 'danced anyway' and had a great time! So go ahead and add 'guts' to that list of attributes as well.
I gotta tell ya, I just love this kid...and we'll have lots of fun this summer and during the school year too...since there is "always something" interesting going on in this neck of the woods...even if not always 'a rose garden' we're walking through.
A day or two 'after' Tom and Jim get here in June, another 'do it all the right way' guy is going to be here for about a week, and that would be our son Joey!
We'll be picking up Joey at the Portland Airport on the 10th and going to a Comedy Club show, and about five or six of his College Pals are taking a Road Trip to Portland for the Comedy Show, and then will head on down to our Ranch to have a great time for a couple of days before returning to the LA area and their new 'jobs' following College....and they will be bringing their 'paintball' equipment with them when they come.
I've got some of the "Local Kids" lined up to field a team...including Carson and Savannah (who is graduating in June as well from Toledo High School...and manages the Newport Rec Center Pool now) and some of her friends...guys and gals...
...and we'll have a 'Paintball" tournament here right out of the gate (hope Tom remembers to bring his Christmas Paintball stuff...and that his Dad is game to play too...THIS time...) so we can have the "Locals" against the "City Boys" at least for a couple of games.
I may even be able to learn to work my new 'video' camera to record the event for Joey and his pals to create a movie with...
I think we'll have the basketball hoop up by then, and Will is going to get the 'track done' for the Trail Bikes and Quads and the Go Kart and BMX bikes, so with the Pool table, a Poker Tournament, Air Hockey, Darts, Chess and some wide open spaces...I think the "crew" coming here in June will have a pretty rocking time...and we haven't even hit the beach yet...
Joey doesn't even know this, but Papa talked to his sister Karen today...and she might be able to make the trip here as well at the same time with Elizabeth for a little R & R (I would hardly call coming here 'rest and relaxation' though) away from her job and City life as well.
So, there ya go...Tom...how's that for a good season 'starter'? I gotcha 'covered' already....and ya know what? You earned it, and you deserve it!
Job Well Done!

Great post mom- sounds like lots of fun to come in June!!!
Are you gonna come with the guys?
It could be arranged ya know?
2 girls to the prom?...I think Tom has been watching too much Big Love...but talk about lifetime bragging rights! Guess it makes sense--being a Moore-mon!
True Anonymous...he'll be in the wheelchair telling his grand kids how he took TWO GIRLS to his prom...and their eyes will grow so wide in disbelief, I'm sure.
Lifetime bragging rights, indeed!
OH- Congrats on 100 POSTS!
100 posts and one about Tommy! How neat. Sounds like that JOB offer is cool. I hope it all works out. He seems so excited to get out there, I know you all must be soo excited to have him too.
The BIG LOVE comment was Hilarious!!!
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