Now isn't this little guy 'the cat's pajamas'? Here he is with Aunt Wendy...and he seems to relish the day in every way. He's the most easy going guy I know right now, and his brother Ean was just the same at his age...at 7 months old, special guest little grandson 'Ben' was found in many 'arms' over the evening...and was perfectly content on any Lap he found himself on. At the party itself, he was in a lot of photos...but few showed his face...so I picked this from the weekend's treasure chest and you will have to agree that "this smile' is worth a million dollars...and to smile all night at Grammies Party...you are 'priceless' Benjamin...my youngest Grandchild! I luvs you like 'this big'!

At my party, little grandson Ean (two) wanted to be on the outside deck most of the time; he loves the outdoors. He's the most shy around Grammie right now... since I am far away and our visits are too infrequent for him to get a good grasp of who this chub muffin really is...but I am making progress.
It's hard for me to hold back...because he is just so adorable and funny... I just want to snatch him up and give him a bear hug...but if I did that...the look of terror on his face and the loud wails that followed, would break my heart!
Here he is on the outside deck looking at the boats with Uncle David...and later on, I got to throw ice over the edge of this deck with Ean...and like Grammie, he didn't want the party to end cause he started bawling when it was time to come in from the dark and head home....(just like me almost). Way to go Ean, you don't know Grammie really well yet, but you are more like me than you know.
I have lots of butterfly kisses and adventures to share with you...sooner than you think. I am soooo happy you were part of this milestone into old age...and you will keep me feeling young for a long time to come! Smooches from afar!

It's Good Tom is kissing up to Faye at my party since she will be one of his room mates in the near future...when this huggable Grandson comes to live with Grammie and Papa while going to College in Oregon. Right now I am trying to figure out a way to soundproof Papa's room cause it is right next door to Tom's new 'digs'...and listening to Papa's snoring and television would probably drive Tom bonkers...since it had that effect on his father one visit. Anyway, while they visited we did have a chance for a Grammie Day...which was a fond reminder of all the good times we had during that era. Tom, like Joey is just 'good' to the bone...and I can't wait to spoil him a little more than usual.
Thanks for taking part in my surprise Party Tom...I love ya sooooo much (but you knew that already didn't ya?)
AAAHHHHHH!!!! Ben and Wendy's picture is soooo cute, I hadn't seen that one.
ONLY 44 days until i am there
I miss my grandma
Glad you had a most excellent party.Are you in need of rechargable batteries yet? lol!!
I've been enjoying all of your birthday pictures.
Nix Nay on the batteries Hil...
...and thanks lisa...glad you enjoy the photos I;m posting..
...and yikes Tom...44 days, I gotta get BUSY...
...see Lindsay, you do miss "some things" here and there...lol
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