No one I date will meet your expectations of who I 'should' date, so I've decided I'm not even going to 'try' to meet those expectations. I'm going to date 'interesting' boys.
Happy Mother's Day!" Ashleigh
"Yeah Mom, I'm cute and sweet and agreeable now, but in just another year I'll be just like my big brother Ean...only more active, louder, and just a tad more stubborn. I'll be tougher too because Ean is going to treat me like a baby brother. Get ready, cause here I come!"
"Hi Mom...and Good bye Mom, I'm ready to move out of California and head to Oregon where the trees are definitely 'greener'. You can have my room for an office or for one of the little guys, but it comes with a price. I'll be in college soon, so just send the rent check for using my room to Gramma's house. That's the California 'green' I like."
"You think I am head strong now? Oh Mom...have you got a surprise coming! I'll be 15 in a few weeks now...and then it's just twelve more months to 'driving time'...and I can't wait to get behind the wheel of a powerful machine and do all the things that you did in your my age!"
"Hello Mommy, By now you have noticed that I am very bright, articulate and determined. You and Daddy have encouraged my 'competitive' spirit, and have provided me with a secure self-esteem. Therefore, in just a few years I will be far advanced in every way over you and Daddy. It would be best if you just stepped aside and acknowledged me as the boss, peacefully."
"Here's the deal Mom. I'm two and it's my job to disagree with everything you want me to do. I'm cute and smart and stubborn (just like you Mom), and I'm charming and funny (just like my Dad). I didn't pick my genes, but there ya go. If I can't charm you into doing whatever I want...I will make your life a living hell. It's the price you pay for picking my Dad as my Dad. I don't mean to scare you or anything...but Ben is the second 'apple' under that tree."
Happy Mother's Day! EAN
"Hi Mom, I know it impresses you now that I can do this, but I wonder how you are going to feel if I get into exotic dancing (and if I want to, you KNOW I will) I like Boys, attention, and music ya just never know. It's hard to believe that my sweet, soft spoken and shy nature (ha ha..just kidding...) might change in the future...but I guarantee that I've got both you and Dad's 'smarts' outwitting both of you will be relatively easy, I think."
Being a parent never ends, but when the kids grow up and have their own nuclear families, there's a great sense of relief. You're not 'responsible' anymore...and if you're lucky like us, you get to become a 'grand parent' which is God's reward following a lot of years of 'parenting' I think. There is no comparison between being a parent and a grand parent, but you have to become a grand parent to really appreciate 'the difference'.
I had a great Mother's Day because I was able to talk with each of my four children on my 'special' day...and it always delights me to hear that they are all moving forward and doing good in life...and to notice that they are all light years ahead of where I was at their age in many they are pretty amazing individuals...and three of the four are also pretty amazing 'parents', and two of the four are 'Mothers'.
Wendy, Will and I were able to sneak off for a little R & R down at the Bay Front in Newport on Mother's Day...where Will picked us out some fresh fish right off the fishing boats following a delicious lunch at "Ocean's Bounty" (or something like that...anyway, it's a new place on the Bay Front) and the weather was perfect, (and has been perfect for the last three weeks).
But, I am in one of those 'moods' again...following a high energy and high pressure week of what Rosanna Danna called "one thing after another" I break out in 'silly' whenever that thought I would do a little 'take off' using some of my favorite photos of my grandkids to show the potential JOYS of Motherhood that could be in store for my kids.
Hopefully, with all the trials and tribulations being a Mom brings in life, they will get a smile from reading these sayings...right after they recover from the fear that goes with it.
ohhhh grammie i cant wait to see ya. I cant wait to move
that did make me smile thanks! Cute cute post
That was fun!
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