Jordan takes a look back at her 'best fans' cheering her on as she marches by with
the Toledo High School Cheerleading Squad during the Summer Festival Parade.
Last week, at Cheerleading Camp, Jordan got 2nd degree burns on her chest as it
was held in Eugene where it was very hot. She was already sun burnt when she went
because she works 40 hours a week doing outdoor work and then volunteered for
every fund raising event the squad has had on the weekends to raise money
to pay for her uniforms and Camp...
Only in a small town parade could an entrant stop by the wayside at the end of
the parade so one little girl (named Emily) could sit upon a pony. Holding Emily on the horse is Genn who waved the pony into our parking lot, while Rhonda, Wendy and Ashleigh look on while getting ready for the Bikers to return from the 125 mile run scheduled this year.
This is the front of the Smokin' Pig Restaurant which we blocked off so only bikes could enter when they got back from the Run, but some locals thought it would be nice to view the Parade from this vantage point.
Not many parades in our Country still offer the 'Logging Trucks" as representative of their communities, but this parade had two large logging trucks to display our little town's heritage as Loggers and Timber folk...and to secure our identity as a 'Mill Town".
Don't ask me what the 'Red Devils' are about, because I am curious about that myself. They hail from the 'Devils Lake' area though, and wear funny costumes!
We usually see Jaime at the gas station pumping gas and keeping the 'guys' in line, including her own off spring, so it was fun seeing her as a proficient 'horsewoman' in the parade.
There's nothing quite as thrilling to me as watching (or even better...being part of) a lot of motorcycles taking off on the next leg of their journey on a Poker Run. Here some of the bikes are coming out of the Rogue Brewery Parking area in South Beach to head for the 100 or so mile ride along the seashore and through the forest before heading back to Toledo for the celebration and festivities planned for them.
This was our friend Chis Lawrences first big "Run' on her own Honda and she was happy to be back after the 125 mile excursion. Her big smile and greeting shows more about the thrill of the ride than words can adequately describe for any Biker.
The 'theme' for this year's Summer Festival was 'Mardi Gras' and though I have only shared a handful of photos showing the 'parade'...it shows the care that goes into the Floats for the Toledo parade down Main Street in our town.
Will is ready to go as the Poker Dealer and as the distributor of the Registered Biker Drawing Tickets, but it will be another hour or so before the first bikes start showing up for their final poker stamp and the drawing of their Poker Hand.
Allen and I were able to ride up to Depoe Bay this year to meet with the Registrants as they took off with the first group at 9:30 am. for the Poker Run. We rode with them to the first Run Stop which was at the Rogue Brewery and got a 'goodie bag' which included a commerative collectors glass which will never be produced again, and some stickers and other stuff. Then it was back to the Smokin Pig for more work to get ready for the Bikers when they were finished with their mission.