The little "Hogfather's Smokin' Pig" restaurant was hopping on and off during the day, and the food by John and Diane was awesome...everyone had one word for it...'delicious'!
Ashleigh was a great waitress all day...and she even received 'tips'
from the Bikers and others who wandered in looking for some good food!
She appeared to be pretty 'experienced' and she took the initiative to stock the restrooms and clear the tables and greet people warmly...wish we could hire HER full time!

Now here's a proud Grampa showing his grandson
'the love of the open road' sure to happen in this little guys future!

At first there was only one Bike for the Show & Shine, but others joined in once they saw the field of entrants was so skinny. First place had a choice of a new Photo Printer with 8 or 10 boxes of photo paper...or ANYTHING in the Hogfather's Shop so they chose a Helmet. Second Place then could choose the Printer or a choice of anything in the Shop so they chose a new Jacket, and third Place was Steve and Genn and Genn really wanted the new photo printer cause she is a photographer anyway and her printer went everyone ended up winning something great that their heart desired!

Hogfather's Smokin what a view to see every day! Some of the Bikes lined up here since we reserved this area of the Port dock for them (anticipating many more) and other s found a shady spot in the Smokin Pig Parking Lot.

Now this little couple traveled in from Washington State and ended up winning the really cool GPS finder and Radar Dectector for traveling the farthest. They must be in their late 70's and rode in on their trike accompanied by their Don and Daughter in Law on their Motorcycle.
It was great seeing them because they attended the 'first' Adventure Run and said they would be back for it again next year! This just goes to show that you are never too old to ride, and never to old to enjoy the 'gusto' life has to offer.

Will was beat and was going home, said "If you've seen one fireworks show, you've seen them all"...fortunately, his truck was blocked in and he couldn't leave and had to sit down and enjoy the spectacular show...and he admitted that this was the best show he has ever seen in his life...and I would have to second that! I saw things I have never seen before...but it is hard to describe to anyone who wasn't actually there to experience it!

man ya'll got some mighty fine photgraphers. glad everyone had a rock'n time.
With all the goings on in Oregon, and now ya'll are opening a restaurant too! What ever you are taking for energy - I want some too! It tickled me you said, ".. a blistering 85 degrees." Here in Oklahoma I can't remember the last time we had rain and the heat index here is about 115 in the shade! Worst drought since the Dust Bowl days. Package up that energy and beautiful weather and send some here. Keep up the blogs ... I love them!
~Connie, OKC
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