Tuesday, December 27, 2005


JIM AND LINDSAY rented a Motor Home to bring Jim's Mom DELORES, son TOM (17), and the babies...EAN (20 months old) and BENJAMIN (3 months old the 25th) for the seventeen hour trip to our home in Oregon from Visalia, California.

They were the first to arrive very late on Thursday night, and since they have been here, these photos show some of the fun and Reindeer Games they've been able to play in a few days.

Beginning with the 'last photo',

1. Tom and Grandma Delores on the Front porch of our Log Home.

2. Jim takes EAN for his first ride on the Quads...and 'the faster the better' is now EAN's motto!

3. Cousin Jordan get's a sweet smile out of Benjamin, who is almost as perfect a baby as EAN was...my daughter, Lindsay is surely Blessed with two fairly 'easy' babies when very small...if there is such a thing in existence. EAN is very busy now and is non stop...but hey, he's a 'big boy' you know, and he believes he can do whatever the big kids do...then does it.

4. Reindeer Poker Game - Lindsay is hiding her mountains of chips as five of us compete for the 'pot' and a prize. Each of us puts in $5.00 and we all get an equal amount of chips...when the chips are gone, that 'loser' is out...and the elimination continues until there are two standing and one gets half the pot and a prize and the second gets half the pot and a prize. Lindsay and my son in law won that round. I was the first eliminated from the competition!

5. Jim and Lindsay get an opportunity to steal some time together riding the Quads as so many were around to keep an eye on the babies so they could go play...they explored a lot of the trails, came home drenched and muddy...but exhiliarated. Lindsay was saying, "We have to get some of these..." in regards to owning and playing with Quads. Jim sure isn't going to turn that down!

6. Lindsay goes for a walk with EAN and her neice, EMILY when EAN spots the Quad...so naturally, he wants to ride it...and Emily is content riding 'B'...for now. Anything 'machine', this kid loves...and he's not even two! YIKES!

7. EMILY LOVES to be 'read to' and found the 'willing' among the Moore's...with Lindsay and with Gramma Moore. Here's Auntie Lindsay feeding Ben and reading to Emily...

8. Some were wondering why it was so 'hot' sometimes as this Log home is so well insulated (by huge logs) we didn't even need a fire and it was pretty warm. I think we have a clue of why one of the perimeter heaters we going 'full blast'.

9. Then, there were the visits with the Mini Goats and the puppies...many visits for the little ones...EAN doesn't say a lot of words yet...but 'doggies' would be one of them. Also, we learned that EAN is very good at opening and closing doors...and sometimes he locks the door when he is inside a room and then can't get out. I was wondering why my daughter developed those 'eyes behind her head' and that uncanny thought about 'why is EAN being so quiet?". One soon learns that EAN being 'quiet' is not necessarily a 'good thing'.

10. Shooting targets with the boys...was one event Jim got in on...so they had a great time...but after playing darts, and pool and air hockey and diaper changer and bottle maker all day...going anywhere without small children is sort of a treat in a day. lol

This was just SOME of the things going on with the Moores at home for Christmas...and this is only DAY ONE....many more to come as time and stamina allow. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT!

More coming soon!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Grandchildren are the Most Perfect People in the World!



No matter what they do...Grandparents find more 'amusement' in their 'angelic' Grandchildren's antics than anyone else in the world.

My daughter Lindsay posted photos of her son Ean today showing him looking like a little Angel...all spit polished and squeaky clean as shown above....but in her next photo, Ean had covered himself in what appears to be the leftover sauce from Spagetti ! (I couldn't get the Spagetti picture to post after three tries...but you have the idea!).
Lindsay also goes on to note that Grandparents see their grandkids as 'Angels' no matter what they do. She also speculated that EAN did this to himself when he was finished eating and perhaps became 'bored'.

The funny thing about my daughter's post, not to mention seeing Ean (which I stole from her Blog and pasted on mine...until she teaches me how to link like she does...) is that my Oldest Grand Daughter, Jordan Nicole... had an EAN EXPERIENCE HERSELF TODAY....which I thought was sooooo 'cute' that I had to take a picture of her (and her Pal Jaime).
This was Jordan after riding the BMX Bicycles today...she must have gotten 'bored' with just riding...so why not just find the biggest mud puddles you can find and slosh on in at full speed! Now aren't these pictures about the cutest subjects you've ever seen?

Now, is this just PRECIOUS OR WHAT?

And even 'cuter' was when the Girls had to shed their muddy shoes outside, then strip off their muddy clothes in the 'mud room' entry of our home and head for the shower...and Will's 'visiting pup 'Yawzie' was getting a little 'bored'...

...so she started biting and shaking the girls 'high dollar' shoes as hard as her little body would let her! WE also laughed in amusement at that as well, because everyone knows that Grandparents get a little 'twisted' about their damned animals too. Coo Coo ca choo!


Sunday, December 18, 2005


(Navajo for 'Little One")
Come Home Today!

William and Allen looked more like 'Proud Papa's' than "Two Wild and Crazy Guys..." as they introduced the 'Girls' to the existing pack of Joey and Lucky!

The Girls seemed so dainty and small, but soon showed their mettle as they climbed into the Dog Food Bowl in order to 'but' the Boys out...and went into the Small Dog House and decided they were staying awhile.

Joey seemed to sense that the 'Girls' were 'different' than him and Lucky, and behaved accordingly...but Lucky (who is used to going nose to nose with Joey still vying for the Alpha position...) wanted to exert his 'authority' some.

William and Wendy are making a little home in the laundry room for their pup at their home, while Nicky is going to have to fend for herself among the boys...but not tonight.

All of us were inside for the night when Allen heard a 'yelp' coming from the back porch, and found Lucky being too rough with Nicky...while Joey laid in the Doghouse with his nose sticking out observing the melee.

Allen scolded Lucky seriously, so Lucky went into the Dog house while Allen petted and comforted Nicky...much like Ean going to time out at Jim and Lindsays home. Allen put Nicky down on the porch and she strutted down to the end of the porch while Lucky observed her, but stayed in the dog house.

Allen backed up to an area where Lucky couldn't 'see him' just to see what Lucky would do.....sure enough, Lucky believed Allen wasn't there anymore and was out of the Doghouse and going for a pounce on Nicky...when she ran and stood by Allens legs for protection.

Lucky was almost mid-air in his pounce before he looked up at Allen and then, with that shocked and "Oh Shit I'm in Trouble"... look on his face, he landed away from her and quickly returned to his Dog House knowing.... he had been 'had' and now he was 'in trouble'...big time.

...Just like Ean does by going to sit on the bottom stair at Jim and Lindsay's home as soon as he gets a frown from them now. We'll call it 'automatic time out'...lol.

I don't know what Lucky is thinking right now as He and Joey are in their bed in the Dog House, but Nicky is probably feeling pretty damned good.

She is all warm and cozy in Allens bedroom...and I expect that for the next few nights she will be inside while the Boys are outside for the night. If she plays her cards right, she might be 'in' and them 'out' a little longer than that...ha ha.

That is, at least until Lucky learns to behave like a Gentleman!


"OHHHHH", said little Linda, "Look at all these LOVELY THINGS!"

You've heard the saying that "You're eyes are bigger than your stomach"?

Well, Today my daughter Wendy had a 'home party', and my eyes got pretty big....and my wallet got a lot smaller!

First of all, there was "Mary Kay Cosmetics", and I haven't had those cosmetics since we moved to Oregon. First because there are lots of times I don't wear make up at all...and secondly, I didn't have a 'Consultant'...well now I do. Not only do I have a consultant, but I am stocked up again on Mary Kay...and that sort of 'kills it' for all the supermarket brands now found in my make up bag.

Cha Ching! Thank you Santa for my present...I justified.

Then, I was assaulted with things like "Beer Bread, and fabulous Dips and Chai, and sure...they cost ten times what you'd buy the ingredients for at Safeway...but they were so YUMMY, and all you have to do is open the box practically and these palette pleasing yum yums just come flowing into your mouth!

Cha Ching! Santa is sure being good to little Linda this year!

A wonderful aroma drifted into my nasal senses (and I thought I had a cold?)...and I was immediately lured to the 'Candlelight Section' of the Home...and did they have some beautiful things or what!? I mean, that expensive and unique 'infinity tea candle set' just jumped out there at me...begging me to buy it at once! My resistence was already destroyed by Mary Kay and the Food Vendor...so with a 'Oh what the hell" cavalier attitude, "I snatched up that piece and enough tea lights to last two years..."but the aromas will be soooooooo relaxing" I reasoned as I totally forgot that I live in paradise and just have to go out on my veranda and take a look around...to get the same damned thing!

CHA CHING! Oh Santa, this is getting really embarrasing, the way you are just lavishing the Gifts for ME on Me!

ONE BAD THING about living in the wilderness...is when the circus comes to town, you just gotta get into that Big Tent and smell the Greasepaint, and hear the roar of the crowd! Well, I was under the 'Big Top' over and Wendy's and just sort of went OVER THE TOP myself...for me. (*Gasp!*)

It's almost as bad as going to Vegas and walking into a Casino...all my common sense gets up and walks out the door the minute I arrive.

As I drive home minus several hundred dollars in my account, I wonder what got into me? I felt guilty and ashamed (for about a micro second...), then rolled down the window and yelled into the endless forest of trees at the top of my lungs:

"Damned Straits Santa....I Been Damned Good This Year....and it's all been a hell of a ride! Thanks for the COOOL STUFF OLD BOY!"

Then, I rode out of sight...

Saturday, December 17, 2005


Allen flew to John Wayne Airport to get Joey who graduated from College yesterday and ride with him to get his 'stuff' from LA, Visalia and Hanford. William drove from Santa Rosa to meet them in Visalia.

In a brief conversation with Joe while they were leaving Visalia, Joe said he was very 'thankful' that Will was there to help them. Will had about 6 hours of sleep in the last 66 hours, but both he and Allen left Joey at his new home in Caldwell, Idaho and headed home shortly after arriving there today.

They drove through snow and desolation and through the Dalles and the Gorge and were within a mile of home (on Christiansen Road) at about 10 pm, when they were faced with three cars headed their way on a very narrow section of our gravel road.

The temperature had dipped to 27 degrees tonight so it was colder than a well diggers ass compared to what we're used to, so ice was formed on parts of the road already by the time they drove in.

As Will navigated the rig to as far to the right as he could to let the three cars pass (later we found that they were guests at our neighbors party), the tires on the 34 foot trailer hit ice and the rig slid over the side of the road and ended up teetering on about a 20-30 foot cliff.

The 'party goers' had a turn out about 30 feet before they met Will on the road, but they didn't think of stopping there to let Will go by.

The Trailer was going to need a Tow Driver that could operate a 'wench' but the only 'local' with a 24 hour service had been to a party himself, so was in no condition to work tonight...so Chief Denison came out after Wendy called him personally with a SOS and he assessed the situation and got in contact with another Tow Driver with a Wench in Waldport.

Both Allen and Will were dead tired, especially William who had so little sleep...and Allen who slept sitting up in cat naps during the grueling trip to help the 'youngest' get settled into his new digs and life in Idaho.

They were so close to a warm fire and comfortable bed, but instead of rolling in about ten...there would be a few more hours spent in the freezing weather waiting for the Tow and then, observing the process of getting the rig upright... and then not even knowing if it was going to be able to travel an inch or a mile further...once it did get lifted out of the side of that mountain.

I was there with the Hummer almost out of gas as I let it run for an hour or two (and it was very low on gas anyway following my 'adventure with Faye' the other day...and I haven't been to town to fill it up yet).

I kept the Hummer warm so me and the guys could get in it once in awhile to warm up and to help keep us all from freezing. Neither of them were dressed for the freezing weather and I think Wills feet were almost frozen since he was just wearing his combat boots, by the time he got to go home with Wendy... and hopefully, to get a well deserved good night's sleep!

There's no street lights on our private road out here in the wilderness, so it was also very dark except there was a full moon, and the blinking lights on our vehicles.

A strange incident indeed. It took TWO TOW TRUCKS to get the trailer back on the road, and by the Grace of God...it seemed to be 'true' enough to drive on to the ranch where Will left it and the truck up by the gray barn. We'll assess the structural and cosmetic damage tomorrow as we noted quite a bit of that on the site, so it is going to cost a bit to fix it.

Wendy chalked it up to 'Rudy Luck'...as Allen assured her that Will did nothing wrong. She has a party tomorrow afternoon and many people coming for Mary Kay, Jewelry and Candle items before Christmas...and then tomorrow night we are all going to Mary and Walt's Annual Big Christmas Bash...and Walt's 50th Birthday Party (Shhhh...it's a surprise).

Anyway, everyone, (with the exception of me writing this entry) is finally completely "tuckered out" from this latest adventure, and all are "tucked into" their warm beds now, but thought I would share the hair raising experience the LAST MILE of a VERY LONG JOURNEY brought us all here in Oregon.

It is always GOOD NEWS when everyone comes out of an accident like this without serious injury.

It could have turned out quite differently if the 'ball' on the hitch didn't hold, or if more ice had built up on the side of the cliff which was at about a 70 degree angle.

Had the Trailer gone down, it could have pulled the Truck with it, and it would have landed upside down in a gooey marsh. Wills quick thinking by keeping the truck moving forward so the two wheels off the side could dig into the cligg some, surely saved both Allen and Will from tragedy.

I am happy to have our men home, and especially with both of them shaken up some, but still in one piece. The 'yellow light' came on in the Hummer as I drove slowly back to the ranch, so I'm sort of happy that Allen keeps a 5 gallon gas can full of gas around all the time. I wouldn't want to chance running out of gas tomorrow taking it to the station.

I just want to Thank the Good Lord for looking out for them, and I am glad 'their number isn't up' yet.

Sort of makes me think of how important they both are to me and the family...and how grateful I am to have them around.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Allen flew out yesterday to go to Huntington Beach to get Joey and his 'stuff' and take it to Idaho. Will was in Santa Rosa working and met them in Visalia this morning....to help load and then all go together to Idaho and then Allen and Will can come home to finish getting ready for company...and to save my 'sanity'. Let me explain.
Faye offered to go along yesterday to take Allen to the airport and then to go shopping with me at Costco, (I had eliminated the other stops the minute I decided to take her with us) and it was with mixed feelings... I welcomed her along. I had to go to Costco to get some big meat items for our company coming for Christmas vacation, and to pick up a 'few more things' from Santa...and find some boots for Pat.

That meant that I wouldn't be worried about her 'getting herself into trouble' during the time I was gone, but it also meant I had to wrestle the walker, her and that damned purse of hers (that is never opened for anything but always has to be drug along)... while trying to look at things and shop for lots of food items we need...well, she hasn't been 'shopping' in a while, so most of the "shopping" ended up being to make sure that "she" got each and everything she started 'peeping' about from the minute we arrived until we left...and during the whole trip.

Anyone who goes to Costco knows how it is laid out, so when you are in the area where things like office supplies and camping equipment is located, is quite a ways away from the "Raisin bran" and cereal...but we no sooner entered the store when it started.

Of coursed to add to the mix, it is crowded in Costco this time of year, and Aunt Faye is not real steady on her feet and she is very, very slow...so as we crawled along at a snails pace, me pushing the cart and her with her walker...she never stopped 'asking' about the things she wanted to get. I guess she thought I couldn't read the long list of items we went over only that morning together!

I quickly began to feel like I was with one of the little grand kids 'begging' for everything...but at least with the little kids whatever they are begging for is 'in sight'.

With Faye, it is like being 'bugged' about everything that is NOT IN SIGHT...but clear across the store!

With Faye, you get this. "We need to get some raisin bran, we're out of it."

I reply, "Yes, I know, it is here on our list of things to get and when we get to that section in the store, I will get it, OK?"

"Well, we don't want to forget the Raisin bran, as that is one of Allen's favorite cereals, and I like it too."

"We won't forget the Raisin Bran Faye, and I promise we will get everything on our list, right now I am looking for the Shepherd's Boots that Allen asked me to buy for Pat, Ok?"

"What kind of boots are those?", she asks.

"Well, they are kind of like my black UGGS boots, but they are a lot cheaper than UGGS. I got Allen a pair to see if he would like the Shepherds boots before I spend the money that real UGGS cost, so he wanted us to get Pat a pair for Christmas because it gets so cold in the shop."

"Are those boots by the Raisin bran?" she asks.

"I don't know," I answer, "because I haven't found where the boots are are yet, or even if they still have them. We'll get the Raisin Bran when we get to the FOOD SECTION of the store, and we are not there yet."

A few times I just told her to 'save her strength' and sit in her walker chair while I went to search for something and that I would be back shortly, (by the way...Costco was out of 'the boots' I wanted...after much searching!)

I soon discovered that 'aunt Faye' is as bad as our dogs are about 'staying'!

If I was not back within 3 minutes to let her know that I realized she was there waiting, but I needed to still find something else so could she wait a little longer... she would get up and start walking around to try 'finding me'...so teaching her to 'stay' for very long was going to be OUT, much to my dismay! It caused a lot of extra steps to say the least to keep running back to where I had 'parked her' so that she wouldn't take off.

After a few times of having to go search for her because she didn't stay where I asked her to...and finding her with that sort of 'deer in the headlights' confused look on her face....I realized how really miserable this whole adventure was going to be...but that was an 'optimistic' view.

"Why didn't you stay and rest where you were?" I asked.

"Well, I wanted to find out what you were looking at?" she answered.

I gave up on almost all the stuff I had PLANNED on looking for or at for Christmas presents after that, so we SLOWLY EDGED our way to the FOOD DEPARTMENT which was all that Aunt Faye cared about. She almost flipped out to see the price of meat these days as she hasn't bought groceries in about two years now, and things like that are a lot higher than they were when she 'shopped'.

Even grocery shopping with Faye a year ago meant FOUR HOURS in the grocery store as she examined every word on a can of soup and compared every can with the other to get the best price...(while anyone with her stood by and developed a sort of 'tic' as they slowly go crazy waiting for her to make her final selection...).

Just before the last 'grocery shopping adventure' with Faye, I can remember parking her in the fresh vegetable section to feel and fondle every single melon or apple or banana...deciding which one was the best....while I tore around the store getting everything else on the list...but there was no way to do this in Costco.

I bought a couple of pot roasts, a pork roast, a big ham, pork chops, steaks, chicken and lean hamburger, and she frowned and complained as each one went into the cart.

"Those prices are ridiculous...we need to eat less meat" she exclaimed with a frowny face. It isn't like Faye is paying for any of the groceries...but you would think they were robbing her of her last dollar by the way she carried on. It would have been embarrassing except that people seemed to note her age, and a lot of them were giving me a sympathetic look as they passed by.

"We DO eat less meat Faye, a lot of the time we have soup and salad for dinner or sandwiches, remember?" I explained. She began acting like I was just 'squandering money on food that I should be saving for a rainy day...' and that wasn't sitting too well with me either.

Allen and I like to prepare most of the meals, and have for a long time, because cleaning up the droppings on the floor or in the opened drawers or all over the counters is more work than just cooking ourselves...but sometimes when she wants to make 'beans' or roasts, we let her cook as 'cooking' was the one thing she could do for the longest time, and it helps her feel like she is contributing....

...but no more really....only occasionally now is she allowed to really cook, and one of us has to be there to keep the house from being burnt down. So with Allen and I cooking, we keep it simple for the most part, and we're both too fat so we try to cut back on the big evening meals for that reason too.

So, 'wasting money' on good food is something Allen and I have been doing all along...but Faye isn't with us when we shop (and may never be again now that I think of it).

She agreed that we had meals without meat now, but was still shaking her head in disbelief of the 'highway robbers' as we continued on to other things...as I reminded her that we have a lot of people coming for the holidays, and for the most part, it is easier on all of us (especially those with little kids) if most of our meals are at home prepared instead of eating out.

She asked about getting 'cookies' so we got them, and the 'sweet rolls' we always bring from Costco as she loves them, then she wanted some Shortening and there is no way in hell I was going to buy that... as I can see a 'fire' starting with just the thought of Faye loose with a big can of shortening to help her 'fry up something' when you're not looking...so I reminded her that we use 'Pam.' now. lol

No matter what section we were in, she was always way ahead of me and on to the next thing we needed and was worried I would forget to buy...we bought the bananas and grapes, so she was talking about her 'soy milk', when we got the soy milk, she was worried about getting sugar...

....I don't like being 'pushed or rushed' in the best of conditions...but she was starting to drive me 'crazy' after awhile, so I starting pushing myself even harder to get done with the whole thing before I brained her or said something mean...like SHUT UP (at the top of my lungs!). I am very patient with Aunt Faye, but my patience was wearing thin and I could feel myself becoming more 'annoyed' with each remark she made.

We also had to get her 'present' for 'the basket game' which was $150.00... and is a "whole story" in itself.... since she is so frugal most of the time, but by getting a 'basket present' she WANTS FOR HERSELF...we were finally able to get that job done. ha ha

She had a lot of personal pharmacy stuff on the LIST including the pull up diapers I made sure were on the list, as she tries to get out of wearing them all the time...and with disasterous results all the time...so by the time we were done with HER WISHES, she had about $300. of her PERSONAL stuff in the cart....out of about $800. total cost for ALL of the items....including the $200. worth of meat I splurged on!

As I was watching out for her in her walker, (trying to keep other people from running her down and trying to keep her from standing in the middle of the asile picking her nose and staring into space)....and still navigating and shoving a heavy and overflowing cart through traffic...she smiled sweetly at me as she called my name causing me to pause, "Linda," she said,

"I want to give you some money to help with the groceries this time." she offered.
"So, I think I will write you a check for $250.00...for all of my stuff and to help with the groceries." she added.

I calculated the numbers in my mind for about 10 nano-seconds and realized that I would be paying for $50.00 worth of HER STUFF...much less, her actually helping pay for some of the groceries. "Fuzzy math too", I thought to myself amused, but said, "OK, that would be nice, thanks."

We finally get everything she wants, half the stuff we needed, and move to the check out stand where she announces she has to go to the bathroom.

I ask the checker if I can leave my piled high and overflowing cart there for a few minutes... while I take aunt Faye to the restroom.... so the checker points to an area where I can 'park the cart' (since I can't take it into the restroom)... until we get back to the check out counter and proceed with our purchase. So we inch toward the restroom which is a pretty good hike even when you're not with the ancient one.

Now it was 'dilly dally time' with Faye, and a full FIFTEEN MINUTES until we returned to retrieve my cart to check out and head home (me thinking, Thank God it's almost over while she is still alive). Faye was very fatigued by then, so I knew I had to get her into the car and on down the road as soon as possible.

Even though she is about to fall over, she would never admit it in a million years...much like never being able to admit she was wrong about anything...and unless there is chocolate smeared all over her face, she never gorges on chocolate candy either.. (A giant box of Whitman's Sampler disappeared into her room a week ago...an empty Whitman's Sampler box appeared in the garbage can four days later, ....but if you ask Faye, she really doesn't like sweets that much!

I asked Faye to sit in her walker chair to rest by the check out counter as I started putting things up for the cashier to start ringing through....and she complies without an argument so I knew she is fading fast now for the day.

Suddenly, I start seeing things in my cart... I didn't buy! A 'stamps' box and a "Sees Candy" box and I ask Faye if she put them in the cart? "NO, I didn't put anything in the cart," she replies. I wonder if it is true or not...but then it gets worse...

I notice that ALL of the meat I carefully selected was missing! Here I had a cashier ringing through a cart full of stuff.... I never bought, and things MISSING that I did buy!

I tell the cashier about my problem and he says, "Oh...no one told me that cart belonged to anyone so we just thought it was left there by someone so we used it as a place to put things people ended up not wanting when they get to the checkstand.

"I bought a lot of meat and it is all gone!?" I exclaimed, and he responded,

"We saw the meat there and since it was left there for a LONG TIME, we had ALL the perishables PUT BACK! I'm sorry." Faye is trying to figure out what is going on, but can't hear what is going on, so I try to give her the 'shortcut paper' as I am thinking about what to do now with this added wrinkle!

I look at 'fading glory' Faye, then back toward the meat section at the total opposite end of the store, and I just know my eyes did another big roll! I could forget about the 50 pound bag of dog food that is no longer in my cart that I notice...but I have GOT to at least have the meat...I determined.

The checker offers to have someone come with me to get the meat...as he is checking things I did buy through...so I haul ass back to the meat department with the helper in tow, grab the meat as fast as possible, and run back up to the front where Faye is now out of her chair and trying to follow me AGAIN!

"I didn't know where you went!" she says like a little kid about to be sent to time out. I must have had a look of exaperation in my face as I barely arrived back in time to catch her from 'wandering off'! I had explained to her what had happened (due to our LONG VIST to the restroom), but she didn't get it all...and never made the connection that it was HER FAULT our CART no longer CONTAINED our STUFF!

As the checker added up the meat tab, for the grand finale...I was SO READY to leave the store I actually demanded that they find someone to help me load everything into the car so I could tend to just Faye and no 'stuff'!

Of course as we get to the car, Faye wants to observe the guy loading the stuff into the car...and give her ideas on how it should be done....but I nix that in the bud, and get her in the car and out of the cold immediately! She's now worried about where we will put her 'walker'! ? I don't want to say where I want to put the walker at that point, but it does fit into the car all right.

Once finally home, after listening to the same stories I have heard a million times trying to appear interested, or telling me something new I just told her yesterday, and without any music playing (Faye gets very resentful if music is on instead of listening to Faye while we drive anywhere... as I am a captive audience then)... I started to unload everything until Paul showed up to help.

That's when I found a lot of things 'missing', as I was too stressed at the store by the time we were checking out to see "what else" besides the meat and dog food was actually missing...so now I realized there will need to be another trip back to Costco to get those things I don't have now...and obviously, it will not be with Aunt Faye.

My feet killing me, my arms sore and my lips blue...I finally get the last things in and put away, and Faye says,

"Do you know where the grapes are?"

Yep, the grapes got put back and we have no grapes" I responded...but I did want to shove a banana in her mouth about that time!

I didn't.


Allen is heading toward Idaho now with Joey and Will (as I type) to drop off the 'stuff' Joey had in Huntington Beach during college, and the furniture he and Nicole got from Jim and Lindsay in Visalia, and some things he had at his Mom's in Hanford. Once that is done, Allen will be coming back to work some more (along with Will) on trying to get more 'outside work' done before everyone starts arriving for Christmas. They are all under such pressure to get the move for Joe overwith and back to the ranch, they didn't even spend one night in Visalia to see the whole family. (I, for one, am very grateful they are pushing themselves to make this a speedy trip!)

In the meantime, I am working on getting tons of things wrapped, everything paid in advance on bills, and Christmas decorations up, a couple of Loans, some escrows, taxes and some back paperwork projects done before the 21st of December....and get my upstairs office, bedroom and bathroom finished (just got the medicine cabinet hung a few days ago)...and hopefully before everyone comes for vacation.

Of course, without Allen here...aunt Faye has to think she can 'do something' big..., so early this morning (she usually sleeps until about noon...but today she gets up at 7 am)...she decides to clean out the wood burning stove (which Allen does every single time, and did before he left).

She found a five gallon bucket she 'thought' was metal...except it was plastic....and put the ashes in it so of course the whole bottom melted. (I am still sleeping at this point). So she picks up the bucket and soon finds all the ashes on the floor since the bottom of the bucket was melted through!

OOPS...guess the embers were still hot from the fire going all last night....so she goes and gets a roasting pan and shovels all the ashes and embers into that SHE CAN SEE...and tries to hide her error. I get up and go downstairs about 11 am as usual...to make coffee and immediately notice a big roasting pan full of ashes and the burnt bucket sitting by the wood burning stove!

She couldn't 'hide' her boo boo because she couldn't LIFT THE ROASTING PAN!

I'm rolling my eyes again because her bed isn't made yet (which she can do...), but all over the kitchen and living room is evidence of BOO BOOS she's made trying to do things SHE CAN'T DO!

I tell her to stop trying to do the things Allen does...and she tells me that she just wants to help and do her share.

As I am cleaning up broken glass, and ashes and raisin bran from all over the floor...I remind her that HER JOB is to be careful NOT TO GET HURT as IF SHE GETS HURT...I can't lift her or lug her around and neither can Allen. At nearly 95 years old...just being careful is plenty for anyone to do.

Yesterday I asked her to please not empty the dishwasher anymore as she can't see if the dishes are clean or dirty so she puts dirty dishes away and it is 'gross' to pull a spoon out of the drawer with dried egg on it...or a glass with dried milk on it..etc. Then I get compelled to take out all the dishes from the whole cabinet and wash them because I am too grossed out not to...nd believe that the germs from the old dirty dishes are all over the clean ones...so there is twice or three times as much work involved to clean up after the 'helper' than if she just wouldn't help at all!

There was no working upstairs at all today...as I was doing what Allen does all the time, which is following Faye around and cleaning up after her (and I thought he was exaggerating...) then I had the 'Boys' to tend to as well. I spent a good two hours talking to, and listening to, Fayes old stories today when I told her that I had to go take care of the dogs and give them some attention and feed them lunch, got up and headed for the back door...but she kept talking even as I walked out of the door...and was still talking when I cam back the door... ten or fifteen minutes later.

Joey and Lucky (our puppies) must have gotten bored this morning without Allen being around to entertain them...as they sure were busy. Taking the seats off the chairs and dragging them into the yard to lay on a pound of dog poo...then they dragged their 'blanket' into the mud by the 'Secret Garden' as well....plus they got some firewood and drug that all over the lawn area, and found some styrafoam to tear into a million little pieces too.

Allen told me that if they don't get a lot of exercise or if he ignores them too much, then they tend to 'get into trouble' and I wasn't quite sure of what he meant by that...but I have a clear picture of that now. All of their toys were drug into the gravel, and they had done a little digging too, and both of the plant holders were turned over, and there was just a general mess everywhere I looked. *sigh.

After I cleaned up the stuff I had to clean (poop off the chair pads), the blanket from the muddy area...left the styrafoam, and took them for a walk up to the barn and back (it was about 35 degrees today), hugged and petted them, gave them a few treats...I heard my name being 'hollered' from inside the house where Faye had messed up the television again and needed me to get the mess straightened out again.

I didn't bring the goats to their condo because I knew Jordan would be home from school to do that...but she decided to go swimming in Newport with a friend...so the poor goats ended up being put in their condo at dark thirty when Paul got home from work. Paul is the hired hand who helps us with stuff around here when he isn't working or sick....so he did a few things tonight like dump the ashes in the burn barrel, bring in more firewood, and carry some stuff upstairs for me that was too heavy for me to carry myself.

Tomorrow he will be getting his wisdom teeth pulled so can't help at all most likely as he is a true 'drama king' and will most likely be 'dying' by then, and Saturday he works all day...and has a Christmas party to attend Saturday night....so whatever needs to be done before Allen comes home, I'll have to figure out for myself. Jordan will not be here tomorrow either as she has to help Wendy get ready for a 'home party' thing Wendy is doing Saturday afternoon.

Hopefully, Will and Allen will be home by Sunday...and I can return to my normal way of life here on the ranch...and hopefully, Faye will not try any more 'heroics' in the meantime.

In spite of all the 'new duties' I found myself involved in since Allen left...I did manage to get some more things wrapped...and I am going to 'entertain Faye' tonight to keep her awake in her chair so she will 'sleep in' longer tomorrow and give me a head start on the day trying to get as much done as I can before the family starts coming in for the Holiday as I don't want to miss spending time with them having fun while they are here.

...and did I mention, I sure miss Allen!


Saturday, December 10, 2005


Pearl Harbor Day, 1988.

When Allen and I married we didn't know each other very long or very well, we didn't know we were going to be married until the day before we married, we didn't tell our kids we got married until months later...

...and lot's of people said, "It will never last."

Well, it's not only 'lasted' but it's in a constant state of enrichment. We are 'best friends' and try to have the 'other guys best interests' at heart.

We don't have many 'don'ts', or 'can'ts in it...so we've been able to enjoy life as individuals as well as a 'couple'. We can 'agree to disagree' on some things (fewer all the time) and if we can afford it, either of us can have anything we want.

When Allen told his Dad that he married a 'Christian woman', his Dad said, "A Christian woman is the only woman worth a damn!"

I think the same thing applies to having a husband worth a damn. Anyone looking in at our marriage and lifestyle has to 'scratch their heads' in wonder, as it is quite unique (OK bizarre)and definitely not even remotely resembling the 'television models' we grew up believing those were the perfect families...like leave it to Beaver and the Donna Reed Show. O VEY!

What is important is that our lifestyle 'works for us' so we go together like 'peas and carrots' now, and since we are the only two in our marriage...we voted that it is what we think a great marriage should be...for us, and we won the vote. Maybe that is why we're so content today.

Even more important is that there is only one 'boss' in our marriage and that is the Good Lord. I promised God that I would not divorce that man He gave me unless I had Bibical grounds to do so...and Allen made the same promise, so here we are still holding hands while crossing the busy streets of life.

Funny thing about real 'commitment'...once you realize you're going to be stuck with this same person for the next 30 or 40 years of your life...it is best to figure out a way to really get along with each other which usually involves 'acceptance'. That alone makes the way smoother.

Accepting a 'mate' AS IS is also important because 'changing another person' to fit your vision of how they should be...is just impossible and a fruitless endeavor, I fear.

So, that is the long and short of it...and the real spice of a marriage is 'laughter'. We laugh at ourselves, each other, circumstances, the dogs, and daily life experiences all the time, and because we are honest with ourselves about ourselves...we are honest with each other.

In our 17 years together, I think Allen has called me a 'bad name' twice...and once it was the "B" word because I was behaving like a "B" person, and the second time was in response to me calling him an "A-hole" and he said I was an "A-hole" too...and with that we started laughing at us two "A-holes" trying to pin the label on the other guy, and only having it stick to us. Crazy!

So, at nearly 60 years old, and after 17 years of marriage...there is still something kind of exciting and sexy about riding behind my husband on the Harley smelling that leather and feeling the wind...and with my honey...I'll just keep riding "B" anytime...and anywhere he wants to go as long as I have the strength to climb on the bike, and he has the strength to keep it on two wheels. When that is over, we'll have to get some super power wheel chairs and race around the house once in awhile I think....just to keep it spicy.

Allen really 'laid down the law' as the head of our household seventeen years ago as we were heading toward the Clark County Courthouse for our Marriage License.

He said, "Woman, I am going to tell you how this marriage is going to work and you are going to do what I say."

I looked at him with one raised eyebrow and replied, "...and that would be?"

He said, "Now listen carefully as I don't want to have to repeat this again."

Then I responded, "Oh, I am listening VERY INTENTLY now, please tell me the rules."

Now with his brow furrowed, and his steely blue eyes piercing my soul, he laid it out for me.

"Woman, you are going to tell me what to do, and I am going to do it."

I've never broken that 'law' in 17 years, and it is good to know that promise is faithfully kept too.

"I got you Babe"... Happy Anniversary!

Monday, December 05, 2005


It all started sooner, but the next few posts will be about the preparations being made now, for having the time of our lives at Christmas this year.

It's really special to us as this is the first Christmas that ALL FOUR of my Adult Children (with the Grandkids in tow, of course ranging in ages 3 mos. to 19 years) will ALL be together with us for Christmas since FOUR YEARS AGO.

It will also be OUR FIRST CHRISTMAS at the ranch, and little Benjamin's FIRST CHRISTMAS AS WELL. It may also be Aunt FAYE's last Christmas as she turns "95" in January...and I can barely recall ever NOT having Aunt Faye with me for Christmas during my whole life, which will bounce to 60 years old in 2006. EGADS!

FIVE DAYS AFTER CHRISTMAS our youngest son Joey (who is Graduating from College in Long Beach almost any minute now....) is getting married to NICOLE TIETSORT (a Biola University Grad since last May...) in Caldwell, Idaho where they will settle for now, so this will be the LAST CHRISTMAS Joey will be a single man.

Allen will be flying down to John Wayne Airport to collect Joey and all his musical equipment and stuff worth taking from his poor starving college student days on December 14th. William will leave from here to meet them in Visalia to pick up some pretty cool 'hand me downs' from Jim and Lindsay for he and Nicole's 'first little nest", then the three of them will drive to Idaho to drop off all the stuff...and Will and Allen will be heading home as fast as they can.

Joey will fly into Portland from Boise, Idaho on the 23rd at dark 30 am, while Gramma Roach will fly in from San Jose on the same morning, and we'll drive 3 hours there and 3 hours back to fetch him and Gramma (who has not had Christmas with us in 13 years!).

Jim and Lindsay will be coming up in a Motor Coach from Visalia around the 23rd (maybe sooner?) while David and Sierra will fly up late Christmas Day, so we'll again drive to Portland to fetch them as well.

DECEMBER 26TH is the ONE DAY that all of them will be here at the same time, as Joey has to be taken to the Portland Airport on the 27th (*sigh) so he can start getting things together for his wedding. On the 29th, we'll be dropping Faye off at Aunt Opal's while we go to the wedding as it would just be too much for her to do more. Then, Gramma Roach (back to San Jose), David and Sierra (back to Visalia since David is in the Police Academy there now), and Allen and I (to Boise) will all be departing from Portland at various times of the morning and early afternoon.

Jim and Lindsay and their boys, and Wendy and Will and their girls, will be driving to Caldwell either on the 28th or 29th...depending on weather, and we'll all meet there for the Rehersal Dinner on the 29th of December.

The "Wedding" will be on the 30th, and Wendy and Will and the Girls will head back to Toledo, OR...Jim and Lindsay and the Boys will meander a new way back to Visalia...and Linda and Allen will fly out of Boise on the 31st to LAS VEGAS...to participate in the big Annual New Year's Eve Party at Harrahs. Yeah Baby!

On January 3rd, we'll fly home exhausted (but multi millionaires...Ok Ok...kidding), pick up Faye at Aunt Opals...and head home to our normal lives in the wilderness. We'll start working to get the Ranch ready for the summer Guests who will come and go at various times during the summer....which is really cool!

So for us, the 26th of December will be the BIG CHIRSTMAS DAY...but what a day it will be!
The Kids will get up early (as always) and go out with whatever 'parents' are game, and find the "special Christmas Tree" on our Ranch and cut it down, bring it home, stand it up and decorate it.

I'll have most of the "feast" already prepared or close to it way before that day, and Mrs. Santa's "Helpers", Wendy and Will are going to cook the Turkey and make the Dressing...while some of the Elves here will be setting up the Long Tables and putting out the 'pretty' place settings and Serving Dishes.

We'll be eating fairly early as we are going to have some "Reindeer Games"...which is sort of like an Easter Egg Hunt, but for teams. We'll have hidden water-proof 'Gift Bags' in the Forest around us, and as each person finds one, they can exchange the 'beg' for an unknown Gift on a Table...identified only as 'Small child', 'For the Home', 'Hers personal', 'His personal', or 'Child 8 - 12', or 'Teenager'....etc. so each 'Prize' will be a real surprise.

The teams can decide which "Gifts" they will choose (teams are in two's or three's depending on age). We've got so much room around our home, it is a great place to hide and seek...so we are going to 'Hide Presents" and watch them 'Seek". lol

Then between us and Wendy and Will, we have the two ATV's and lot's of trails to ride, one big dirt bike (500cc), and two little Trail bikes (110cc and a 90cc), 2 Mountain Bikes, a regulation horseshoe pit, maybe Mr. McGoo's golf cart, riding toys for the wee ones including a Motorcycle, and a Car and a Rocking Horse...and a toy box full of games and toys.

We also have a "Laser Tag" set for FOUR Players or Two Teams....which will be a hoot if played in the forest or in the barns and tack room area.

We just set up a new regulation "Pool Table", that reverses to become a regulation "Air Hockey" table, and we have a Chess Game Table with 4 1/2 inch chess pieces on it depicting the "King Arthur" Era. We have fishing poles and Bow and Arrows too. We were hoping to get the ATV and BMX Track in by Christmas, but we are running out of time so I think that will have to be a spring project...but it will have a FORT in the middle of the track and a 'Guide-wire" set up that the kids can ride from our side yard to the fort at a fairly low angel if they are old enough.

We'll have the 'Go Karts' by the time summer gets here...but don't think we'll have time to get them before that this year the way things are speeding up on us now.

We have a Electronic Dart Board that keeps score, and of course, there has to be the Nickles and Dimes 'Poker Tournament' of Champions... for a $5.00 'buy in" somewhere in the mix. Maybe we'll even have the basketball hoop set up by the time Christmas comes in the red barn.

Papa and Will have also been working on the "Park", where they cleared tons of berry bushes and created a 'switchback' trail down from our back yard to a fresh water pond surrounding an island. Then there will be the puppies and the minature goats for all to love on, or cry over, but we are teaching the older pups manners now in hopes that they won't jump up on the little ones by then.

Of course there is still the big screen Hanging on the Game Room - My Bedroom wall...and lots of Board Games as well....so there just isn't any way that there won't be enough entertainment for everyone to enjoy and enjoy themselves to the fullest.

We've got a lot of loads of gravel in for parking areas, have filled almost all the pot holes on the mile and a half gravel road leading in here, and Jim and Lindsay's Motor Coach can sit right next to the Log Home for Plug in. Wendy and Will are setting up their new 30' Travel Trailer as well for whoever wants that 'home' with all the pull outs close to where Jim and Lindsays Coach will be, so it will definately look like a family 'commune' and that is as it should be at Christmas time. Then we still have the extra bedroom for whoever wants it too.

The older Cousins will want to Camp out in Gramma's room I'm pretty sure so we have new sleeping bags for them.

When all of them are here, and either before or after dinner on the 26th, my cousin Bill is going to take a good FAMILY PICTURE of all of us...hopefully outside, but if not outside, we've got an alternative 'inside'...

The Logistics of it all are daunting, and trying to get everything done possible 'in advance' is really 'different' for me...but as the first 'bunch' rolls in, and until the last bunch leaves (and us with them) come hell or high water...Allen and I are not going to do a damned thing but enjoy their company and feed and entertain them in any way they want...even snuggle and play with the little one's so they can take an adventure run themselves around the ranch with each other.

So, that's the plan stan! Since I am the "biggest kid of all and always will be I fear" ...everyday the new morning comes, I feel a little more excited...the Halls are Decked with bows of holly, the yard ornaments are going up soon and they guys will be dangling from the roof getting the lights up next week. We're creating a 'Winter Wonderland" to Remember...

....and it is a work of love for us to do for those we hold dearest in our hearts.

Saturday, December 03, 2005


It seems like only yesterday that Jim came into my office looking pretty long in the jaw and announced he wanted to 'sell his home'...but it is nearly five or six years ago now.

Jim had been diagnosed with Hep C and for many, that is like the 'kiss of death' for living out a long life.

He had been raising two boys on his own for some time now as a single parent, driving a truck, and it seemed to me that he wanted a lifemate, but somehow never found one that 'stuck'. When Jim had purchased his modest home a few years prior, my daughter Wendy was his 'Realtor'. He hemmed and hawed so much with her after looking at homes for a long time, that she finally told him to buy a home 'cause she needed the money'! He finally 'did it', and now was willing to cash it all in.

I pretty much told him that he was probably just feeling lonely, and that I didn't want him selling his home until his sons were grown unless there just wasn't any other choice. Seemed to me those boys needed something in their life that was more permanent than renting and running, and so did Jim.

I knew that Lindsay was not going with anyone at the time, and Lindsay is a pretty kind person and fun to be around, so I asked her if she would 'go to lunch' with Jim cause I thought he needed a friend right now. We've taken many folks under our wings personally and as a business over the years, and I liked Jim as a person anyway...and I knew she would be interesting and entertaining for him, so maybe he could take his mind off his troubles for a minute or two.

Little did I know that right after lunch, they would become 'inseperable' and both of their lives would undergo dramatic change in the years to come. Lindsay provided the perfect blend of 'babying' Jim, and 'kicking his butt'...and she was very determined to get 'those teenagers' to do their homework and better their grades too.

She blew into the Moore home like Sherman through Atlanta...and I don't think any of these carefree and 'do you own thing' fellas were even remotely prepared for it, including Jim.

In the meantime, in our own family, there were some pretty loud squalls and huffs coming from the Male Members over the new lovebirds. Jim is 20 years older than Lindsay...and that alone was cause for alarm from brothers and Papa...but I always believed Jim and Lindsay went together like 'peas and carrots', and I still do. As time went by, the family 'men' settled down and now would describe Jim a real friend, a good husband and good Dad.

I knew Jim and Lindsay would have some problems because of their age difference, as Lindsy was 21 and Jim was 41 at the time, but I also knew that a lot of problems would not happen as well precisely 'because of' that age difference. In my experience, men are not usually ready to grow up until they reach about 40, and Lindsay had already had a couple of relationships with 'birds with broken wings' that made my 'eyes roll' with heavy 'sighs' and took every ounce of 'charity in me' trying to accept them, but I never could really pull it off. Jim had a lot more to offer her as a husband, even before he let his potential loose. He could walk and chew gum at the same time, and he made her laugh.

It wouldn't have mattered what I thought though, since they already 'only had eyes' for each other even before I became acutely aware that my daughter was spending an awful lot of work time on the cell phone talking to Jim while he was on the road. In fact..she spent more time talking with Jim than she did working at our office for an hourly wage.

It seemed like every five minutes they were back on the phone...talking...and talking...and talking. It became so annoying Lindsay and I agreed to 'separate' ourselves in business for awhile and she went to work for someone else for a season.

Now when most people get married, they promise to stick together for richer or poorer, for better or worse, in sickness and in health...but I didn't expect that would be happening right out of the gate like it did. A newer medicine came on the market that worked miracles for many with Hep C, and Lindsay convinced Jim that he needed to do all he could to 'stick around' for as long as he could...for her because she loved him.

It was a terrible protocol...the same as for cancer patients on chemotherapy or worse...and the shots Jim had to take were devastating on his body and sense of well being. It would also call for a one year committment....for Jim to endure, and for Lindsay to put up with...as they suffered great financial loss due to his inability to work during most of that time to go with it, and Lindsay had to bring in the bacon for real living expenses...something she never had to do before, and that brought her back into what is now 'our' company with a new vigor.

In fact, Lindsay didn't know how to cook, or clean, or even take out the trash on a regular basis. She had only been 'on her own' for a four or five months so it was Taco Bell and drive through for dinner for her....and her money was spent on whatever struck her fancy.

In the middle of the mix was one of Jim's teenage son's Greg, nearly her own age, and another son Tom, a nearly 12 year old who had been ruling the home roost for some time as Jim could care less once he was off the road...and neither of the boys were taking too kindly to the new bossy 'stepmother' they were about to receive.

Lindsay ground them into submission on their homework, like had never been done before. She soon realized that she could have no impact on the older son, Greg...but said "I can beat Tom's butt" if he got out of line. Fortunately, Tom was not a kid that wanted to get out of line, but he resented Lindsay coming into his home and taking over all his decisions. She wasn't very gentle about it either.

Still, Lindsay's determination to make sure Jim was staying on course when he wanted to quit taking a medicine that was making him so violently sick was just what the Doctor ordered. She did it by babying him when he needed love and support, and by threatening to kill him herself, personally, when he wanted to give up...or got too far down in the dumps. Lindsay had the protocol on a countdown, and no matter where they were on it, she would note how far they had already come...and urge Jim to continue, by whatever means she thought might work for the moment.

She brought animals into the home, and Jim endured them unenthusiastically...but one day they saved the life of a tiny kitten that would have perished without them becoming it's 'mother and dad'. It was so small they had to feed it with an eye dropper, and wipe it's butt with a warm cloth to make it poo...and it would be some time before it's eyes were fully opened.

In some ways, that cat Jim named "Larry" believing it a boy (when it was a girl) also played an important role in saving Jim's life as well. When Lindsay was away at work, Jim could do little but drag himself around the house to do the minimum...and he and "Larry" were constant companions. As bad as Jim felt about his 'incapacity' to take care of his family, that little cat had less capacity to take care of itself and live....so they were buddies. It was astounding when I noticed that the 'cat' had the same walk and gait as Jim as it strolled by...so go figure.

Jim and Lindsay decided they would get married once Jim completed his protocol...and then only if it turned out to be positive....but shoving a needle in your stomach three times a week for a year...and taking ten pills a day that made him constantly nauseous while depleting all their financial resources for medicine and insurance etc. instead of having the time of their lives was far from the pic nic they envisioned when it all started. Lindsay was trying to learn to cook and clean, mother, nursemaid and run a household at the same time...and sometimes seemed more than they could bear....and then there was another problem.

Lindsay is from a family that confronts situations and resolves them... and she is an experienced fighter for what she believes in. Jim didn't like confrontation and would just sull up when he became unhappy and wouldn't confront anything...but would stop communicating, which in turn, drove Lindsay up a wall trying to figure out what she did wrong, and how she could 'fix it'?

It was a tough row to hoe for both of them those first years, but to really 'part'...was never an option... since it was quite obvious that there was genuine love and devotion between them...and sometimes the old saying, "All ya need is love..." is sometimes "all we have" in life. It was enough for to pull them through the worst of it.

By the time Jim was through the year of agonizing illness...Tom had resigned himself to having to do his homework...and do it neatly...and he and Lindsay learned to get along better too. Jim sometimes was put in the middle of their squabbles which both his son and Lindsay didn't like since Jim didn't really come to the rescue of either of them...and Jim liked it the least of all....but suddenly Tom's poor grades started to improve, and Tom began setting a little higher goal for his future than he had before. Jim did like that, a lot.

Jim became one of those 'rare' Hep C 'poster child' patients that proved a 100 per cent success in curing the disease...and there has been no sign of it since. There was a lot of true 'grit' involved in Jim coming though with such flying colors...but it belongs not only to Jim...but to Lindsay as well, and even to the credit of Tom who had the patience of Job with both of them for quite a long time as well.

The minute the shots and drugs were done, and Jim felt half way human again, Jim climbed back into the truck as he could not stand not making a living for his family. It is something I have always admired about Jim...he doesn't expect anyone else to pay his or his family's way through life, except him.

He's not a lazy man by any stretch of the imagination...but back then, he would promise too many people, too many things...and then not be able to follow through...as he hadn't learned that it is OK to say no to folks without feeling guilty. Jim always liked to have fun, and he and Lindsay are pretty spontaneous in life as far as being game for new adventures, so along the way they had some great fun and adventures as well. Even when he felt like 'death warmed over', if Lindsay wanted to take a trip to the Coast, he would go and make the best of it...and he liked getting his mind off 'feeling awful' as much as he could too, so his spirits would improve too.

I knew from the day I met him that Jim would be excellent in Real Estate and would succeed the minute he wanted to, but he had a problem making it work for him the first time around once he got his License.

Probably the same problem his older son, Greg, had with his new 'step mom' of nearly the same age. He had a woman only 14 years older than him calling the shots...and he had a fiance who would argue with that same Mom and then complain to him about it. He wanted no part of that scene....and he climbed back into the safety and serenity of driving a truck for a while longer.

As Wendy and I planned to move to Oregon, Jim was tiring of the 'truck driving' as promises made were being broken right and left, and Lindsay complained he was never home...so he thought about giving Real Estate another try....but in the beginning, he had a problem committing to it fully...and to be successful in Real Estate...it's all about 'committment'. Suiting up and showing up and making everyone you meet a potential client is the only way to draw 'dividends' in our business.

When I looked to replace myself in the Mortgage Business, I knew that Lindsay had the ability and knowledge to take the reigns...but even then, it took two years to let her get mature enough to think of it as a business, rather than just a 'job'.

Jim dibbled and dabbled and disappointment caused him to complain that he would go drive a truck again...but Lindsay wanted him to commit to something and stop complaining about it...and finally he decided not only that he could do Real Estate... but that he Would do it.

That was a moment I had waited on for a long, long time. He had a lot to learn, but there were gifts he was a 'natural at' that people either 'have or they don't' and Jim had them all...he really 'likes people'...he's a social person who seldom meets a stranger. He has an instinctive 'charm' like most of his family, and a heart that is as big as the rock of gibralter, and he's honest. He also knows how to 'listen' to his clients wants and wishes, and he is a very intelligent and 'fast study' so seldom makes the same mistake 'twice'.

He was able to put some successful transactions beneath his belt, and has only added more and more increasing success to that success as time has gone on. When Jim and Lindsay married, it was at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas and it was a lovely wedding package...then they went on a Honeymoon of exploration in Arizona and Nevada and wherever they felt like going, they went.

I know that Jim was looking forward to the Boys growing up and becoming independent in a few years so that he as his new bride could see the world, and do all the things 'single parenthood' had denied him, but Lindsay threw a big 'monkey wrench' into any thoughts like that.

She wanted to start a new family! It didn't take long before Jim and Lindsay were at the Doctors office seeing about getting a vascectomy 'Reversal' after twelve years! It was highly unlikely that he would be successful at it since he had just gone through a chemotherapy protocol for a year, and twelve years is a long time being cut to hope for a reversal to work. There wern't too many 'swimmers' around during the early tests either.

...but God is good, all the time...and once again...the Moores received news of another miracle. Lindsay was pregnant and nine months later, I was lucky enough to be there when Ean was delivered and saw the tears rolling down Jim's cheeks just as profusely as they were mine.

I realized that my daughter had made some pretty amazing sacrifices to stay in love with this man as he went thorough his course of treatment, especially for a young woman her age...but I also realized that I was looking at a man who loved my daughter enough to sacrifice the next 20 years or so of what could have been a 'free life' to instead raise another family for her.

I knew he did it because Lindsay wanted children of her own. It was stunning to make that connection...but oddly, I had 'started over' when I had Lindsay as well, because Wendy and David were nearly grown when she was born, so I knew... that he knew... what a long haul 'the second time around' was going to be.

There is a long list of characteristics that I just love about Jim, but I think his good heart is the most meaningful. He is a push over for his sons, all "four" of them now, with new little Benjamin, (the little one above with the crazy hair) so most of the discipline must come from Lindsay. He cries in sad movies just as bad as I do, but it shows his ability to put himself into another's shoes and empathize with them about their troubles.

These two have had few harsh words with one another through all of it, and lots and lots of affection for each other as well. Even though they are very different in nature, they find a common ground in their goodness and wanting to do what is right by their family and each other. Another common trait, for better or not, is that I would not want to bet money on which one of them is more 'stubborn' once the heels are dug in. It's a trait I can't fathom, but it is one that makes me confident that they will grow old together...cause they just won't give up all the hard work they have already done to make their marriage a good one.

They seem to compliment each other, and where one is weak...the other is strong. When Lindsay announced she wanted another baby close in age to Ean, Jim winced...I know, but he was hoping for a girl before bringing the "baby making" chapter to one last close...but alas, when the sonogram was viewed, it was clearly not going to be a girl, so now they have four sons with two 'baby' boys only 18 months apart.

When Lindsay was in labor with Benjamin she agreed that Jim could revisit 'Dr. Vascectomy' one last time, and Jim promptly made an appointment...but didn't keep it. So it may be possible that these two might yet see the odds of 4 to 1 as worth the risk...as they are both optimistic people 90 per cent of the time.

So I think you can add 'bravery' to the list of positive attributes as well for Jim.

In the meantime, Jim took control of the Real Estate business and Lindsay began treating the Mortgage Business more like a business as both of them know that there are two little mouths to feed and another who has maintained such an excellent GPA he will be accepted at almost any college he chooses next year. Greg is out and on his own, and has caused some heartbreak in the family, but we think he will be gaining some ground now due to the circumstances he has found himself in.

Jim and Lindsay have become partners in business in every sense of the word, and together they have great plans for growing and expanding both business so that they can have a few more days off, and a little more time rearing their new little ones and a little less pressure on their own shoulders.

It seems like each week I talk with Jim, (and I love talking to him because he has become a 'best friend' to me)...he grows more in confidence as well as expertise, and Lindsay and Jim are honest to me and to each other...to a fault. They work and live together 24/7 which would test the mettle of any relationship...and sometimes feel a need to do something on their own, alone.

Jim came here for a big fundraiser we were sponsoring "The First Annual Adventure Run 4 Kids" which was a Motorcycle Rally and Program, and rode his Harley Davidson from Visalia to win the prize for farthest ride to get here...but about every few hours, Jim and Lindsay would be on the phone 'talking' with each other and sharing what events or happenings were going on at each end of that phone...and the picture above is Jim talking on the phone to Lindsay during the event itself!

Lindsay once brought Ean to Grammie and Papa's by herself for a visit while Jim stayed home, and again...the phone minutes were piling up rapidly with every new report about what was happening that hour... and it wasn't long before Lindsay was wishing it was time to go home, and Lindsay soon realized, and then admitted to Jim, that it was awfully hard to have all the responsibility of Ean by herself.

These two work in concert like a team. It used to look like two painters painting a wall and trim, but now they looks more like a 'pit crew' at the Indy 500 moving at speeds that would dizzy most! Lindsay was the driving force behind the business, and she comes by that naturally, but Jim has now taken the bull by the horns and has become a Leader in his own right....and is creating enough business today, that the companies have little choice... but to expand.

Lindsay has dreamed of becoming a 'Land Baron' like her Mom (only better) and she's on the right track to that as well with Jim's support and involvement. They have three good investment properties today, and a magnificent huge new home they could entertain an army in.

They went from hand me down furniture to quality 'pieces' anyone would be proud to own...they went from driving cars where one of them would have to drive without air conditioning in 110 heat depending on who needed the good car the most...to now both of them driving some of the best vehicles on the road.

Jim went from selling his new Sedan to make ends meet...to now 'Riding the Wind' on his HD Heritage Springer, and "Flying the Skies' as a Pilot, and Lindsay never hears the word 'no' from Jim about anything she wants, as long as they can afford it, and they have accomplished all that in an amazingly short period of time.

None of it would ever have happened in a million years for either of them, if Jim didn't walk into our lives as 'family' and make a decision to lay down real roots and let them grow. It probably wouldn't have happened if he was a younger guy instead of one coming into his own as he has, and now is even looking at stacking up the investments even further for an early retirement to perhaps then....have that long awaited 'free time' he's earning for himself and his bride.

I will be forever grateful that Jim's love for my daughter has blessed us with two natural Grandson's so far, and the Grandson he let us love, Tom is so special in our hearts that we can't wait for him to come live with us in Oregon while he begins his college career (yep, I love that kid that much!) . His stewardship of our business partnership has helped us through our first full year and a half in Oregon without missing a meal or not paying a bill....and my old clients have confidence in him as he treats them very well. It ALL COMES TOGETHER FOR GOOD...for those who Love the Lord...we have learned time and time again.

Sure, there are disappointments when something turns south...or long hours of labor spent reap no apparent reward, but it all comes out in the wash when one can get up everyday and face a new challenge as he does day in and day out and do the next indicated thing on the road to a better destiny made by the Grace of God and some good footwork on our parts.

I know that the Good Lord brought this wonderful man into our lives, when he needed us most, and he has enriched our family beyond measure ever since. Jim loves to laugh and has a fabulous sense of humor that tickles my funnybone all the time. I adore the 'quick wit' even more.

He gives 'nicknames' to people and gave me mine long ago, "Broom Hilda'! When Lindsay 'barks' too loud and for too long, he calls her "Broom Hilda Junior" which really makes her day...but she gets it. I accept my nickname now with considerable 'fondness' and pride....not everyone is so Blessed to get a 'nickname' from Jim Moore.

You begin to add up the pillars of Jim's character, and it shows a strong and solid foundation to build a future on. It isn't easy to run two business enterprises successfully, own investment property and be Landlords, answer the Real Estate call seven days a week and all hours of the day and night, become involved in community and professional associations, give freely to the poor and needy, and help those who haven't had much chance in life for success...and do it still loving each other as lifemates and as 'best friends'.

Add to that responsibility two babies 18 months apart, a college bound Senior with car breakdowns on a regular basis, and another son running amuck here and there who needs a hand regularly, a big household to run, and regular visits to family...near or far, and you start realizing what a treasure this man is, as well.

Yes, I am very proud of my own flesh and blood's goodness and accomplishments, but in life there are not so many one might take into their heart as 'one of their own' kids...but I have done this for my son in laws Will and Jim, in different, but just as important, ways.

It was long past due to let them each know how important they are to the well being and happiness and goodness of our family, and to let you know I am proud of them, and just have to brag on them too.

So this is the day for Jim to be honored by us here in Oregon, and how grateful and appreciative we are to be able to call him 'our oldest son'. We love him more than he will ever know, but as time goes on, I think he is coming to realize that fact himself.

Thank you Jim, from the bottom of my soul, and thank you God for sending him to my office one day when he was feeling kind of low...he was exactly what that office needed...my daughter needed...and her family needed.

God is Good...All the time, and you are one very big Blessing to us....and one more thing...

Happy Birthday to one of the youngest thinking 'bucks' I know and like me, you'll never get old because of it! Live to Ride and Ride to Live guarantees a 'young mind' forever, I think...even if the back does creak, a little "Aleve" and life is good again. lol

I know that just reading this tribute, will bring a tear to his eye (cause it will touch his heart)...and then he will smile when I say one last 'inside' thing about him here...before I let you go...

He's a 'giver'.

Hugs and Love always....Mom

Thursday, December 01, 2005


Yesterday ended well, but what a day it was.

I received a call from the 'pound' that they had Joey, and I said we would be right there. Upon arrival, we found out that Joey had been in the pound for seven days!"Why didn't anyone call us?" I asked as I grudgingly wrote out the check for his incarceration.

"Oh we did!" the lady exclaimed! "I left a message on the 23rd". My eyes narrowed and I replied, 'How strange, nothing was on my machine?"

Then, they explained that they didn't have a chance to call us again on Monday, or Tuesday because they were so busy. "Yeah right" I thought, as all of two people were in the whole pound.I think that if they called, it was the wrong number...they were thinking about getting home for Thanksgiving and not paying attention...or, they didn't call at all.

Joey had wandered UP the trail Wendy was on to Doc Brown's property (A Vet), which adjoins ours, and he stayed there for the night. Allen went into the pound to report him missing on the 23rd of November, and I guess right after that Doc Brown brought him in! If not for the Harley Davidson collar and his small white tuft of hair on his chest, we may not have recognized him! He has grown so much in just ten days I am stunned.

I didn't tell Allen where we were going (so he didn't know Joey was in jail) until we drove into the parking lot at the Shelter...just told him we had to 'Go to Town' on business...so he probably thought it was one of the escrows we are working on. Allen's eyes lit up and he sounded like a little kid, "They found Joey?" "Yup, I think so...we'll soon see".

We rushed in, and went to the jail cells and there was this 'bigger' dog than we knew and loved, BUT HE KNEW US! He started trying to get through that wire with all of his might! Nose, paws...everything, and tail going a million miles an hour. Ya can't be a real 'Harley Dog' unless ya been to jail at least 'once' for being a little 'wild' so now Joey is a real Harley Dog I think. He got in the Hummer without a whine or whimper and sat on Allens lap just a kissing him and loving on him...like a puppy, very quietly and well behaved.

The action really started when he got home and found another dog eating out of his bowl, chewing on his bones, playing with his toys, and laying in his bed. Hey! What's going on here... he seemed to be thinking, and the ROMP was on!

Both of the Males were playing, and Joey can knock 'Lucky' over with his body slams easily...but Joey is not aggressive toward other dogs. So it was a game of 'dominance' for the 'Boys' to see who was going to be the Alpha.

Lucky would not be as charming as Joey was with this 'intruder' and he gave it all the heart he had...and he has a lot of heart. Joey had the lead most of the time, but the little guy never gave up and used his brains by going under the pick up and even the back porch so Joey couldn't lunge at him or use his weight against him. About every sixth encounter, Lucky would win and Joey would be down (mostly fall down due to his clumsey rapid growth spurts)...it looked so funny for this little guy to be on top of Joey, but he's fast and smart..so he 'tricked' Joey into losing a round here and there.

If Joey had a leg in his mouth, Lucky had an ear...if Joey had a paw, Lucky had a tail...even when on the bottom. Finally, I think they both 'wore out' with this dominance 'play'...(no yelping from a real bite on either side, but Lucky was growling pretty mean at the beginning in fear as he took shelter from the 'huge intruder dog" between my legs or Allens until he decided he "might be able to beat this big woosy guy" and just got it on, and on, and on.

We wanted to see what would happen, and to protect both dogs if they got mean or vicious with each other...but that never happened. Finally, Lucky went under the porch one last time before I had to go get Jordan from High School...go to Hogfathers and the Post Office, and get the mail at Skyline and here before heading home. Just before I left, both of them were following Allen down to the "Pond Park' Will and Allen have been busting butt for a week in sun or pouring rain...to build for the Grandkids, but apparently for the dogs too.

Lucky went down earlier and stuck his head in the water, and a few minutes later he jumped in. Then when both went down with Allen, Joey stuck his head in along with Lucky up to his eyeballs, but Allen headed back up as he wanted to give them both a bath (it's a weekly ritual around here, and they both love it). They get 'brushed a lot too', so that is probably why there is so much sheen on their coats. They really like that 'brushing stuff too', and legs are a rockin and rolling when Allen hits the right spot...great entertainment for us too.

While I was gone, Allen said they got along fine and played..and the picture of Lucky and Joey by the porch shows them kissing one another like pals...right up until Lucky plopped down on Joey's bed. Joey did not like that at all and more pushing and showing commenced! Allen thought they would 'work it out' at some point, but put them both on a leash cause we had more business in town now and didn't want Jordan to have to deal with any problems if they were to occur.

Jordan watched Faye and the Dogs while Allen and I went into town and bought them a Log Home dog house. Allen put the bed in the house, and the dogs figured out a way for both of them to fit in it and sleep together and stay warm and cozy off each other's body heat.
Tonight, Allen called me down (When Wendy and Emily left) and both of them had their heads and paws poking out the door of the dog house, it was sooo cute. They wern't very anxious to come out and see us either, so we let them be and went about our own business.

We are so delighted that Joey wasn't the victim of some 'critters' hunger...as now both dogs have our heart strings tied solid...Joey is the Lord of 'Underfoot', and Lucky is the "Inspector"...and together they will make a fine pair for this ranch.
Reflecting now on the day, I realize how "Lucky", Lucky really is.... as if the pound had dialed the right number and left the message, Lucky might be cramped up in an apartment again...and not had the run of the place like he does now, and hanging out with a pal who will challenge him everyday.

Now Allen and I looked at each other and sighed, "What about the female pups we already paid for and are going to be ready to come home on December 10th" ???Allen already let me know he still wants the little chocolate female, "Nicky" (for Nicole) as he bonded with her the minute he saw her.

I know he loves it that the dogs select one 'Leader' and it is him for both of them...and while they love everyone because Labs are so social and with good temperments, when Allen heads anywhere...there they go with him, and he gets more kisses and loves than anyone. Lucky is a lot more loving than Joey, but 'Treats' motivate Joey more than they do Lucky...so 'training' will be interesting. Of course, Allen spends a lot of time with them as Allen loves to be 'outdoors' on cool projects...rather than in the house doing some 'foo foo' project for me.

Wendy and Will want the Golden puppy, but I bought them books on those dogs so that they can make sure she will fit permanently in their family. Will really wants her...and even named her "Yahzie' which means 'little one' in the Navajo language because she is the 'runt' of the litter...but he is afraid Wendy won't have the patience for a puppy. I think they can work it out if they read the books like Allen and I have been doing and begin training her to have 'good manners'.

We also have new 'training manners' books which we are going to start on with our two next week, although Joey already knows how to sit and shake. We should have them pretty well behaved by Christmas...but the little chocolate female will be too young to not jump on the little kids then, so we'll learn to deal with that soon. Probably will get a little 'pen' to keep them in when the little ones are outside during their visit (specifically Ean and Emily). The rest of the kids will be fine with them.

...but Good Lord...FOUR DOGS? THAT IS CRAZY!

We're going to sleep on that 'four dog' question tonight, as tomorrow is another day. OMG! Even to consider keeping FOUR DOGS proves We ARE getting 'weirder' every day as Lindsay said, "Just when I think you can't get any weirder'! We do!

JOEY is HOME....LUCKY has so much HEART (I think he will end up the ALPHA...just a guess), and LIFE IS GOOD IN THE WILDERNESS AGAIN.